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12/11/2015 7:59:26 AM

Lmao halo 5 legendary bundle is now only $99

Greetings it is me broken steel 3 the bungie forum heavyweight champ ! Writing this post from high on top of Mount Bungie and blinding everyone with the glare from my championship belt! I am proud to announce that I have successfully cleaned out all the fanboys from bungie's forums. Soon they will make a movie about it!Also the response from fans is overwhelming! Let me read you one of the post I got from a fan!Dear broken steel 3 the bungie forum heavyweight champion. I want to thank you for saving me from the mean fanboy gang! Especially from the leader I won't say his name but he knows who he is! This gentleman would walk around this forum like a rooster strutting through the barnyard.Little did he know that a chicken hawk was watching him from on top of Mount Bungie! With speed a precision you swooped down from Mount Bungie and took him out.I can't thank you enough. P.S. I love you! I get thousands of messages like this every day and yes I do read them.Now to the purpose of this post I just saw that amazon is selling the halo 5 legendary bundle for only $99!? It just proves that the fanbase for halo is dead! Sure you have a few stragglers hanging on to the last glimmer of light from this dead franchise! It is amazing and I can't believe anyone would defend 343!? What does everyone think? Please tell I am always listening ;) Tree bark like a love letter This post is brought to you by broken steel 3 captain of the U.S.S. bungie and bungie forum heavyweight champion and author of the award winning poem tears of the fanboys

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