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1/12/2016 4:11:19 AM

This is why gaming is going down the toilet.

[url][/url] If a systematic study is performed that proves the theory that younger and new generations are suffering from a degradation of intelligence; THEN we would be naive to believe that Activision and Bungie [spoiler]With their R&D feelers[/spoiler] haven't come to the same conclusion and are taking full advantage of the fact. Essentially I'm accusing Bungie, Activision and many other companies of preying upon the weak minded. Akin to the multiple Princes of Nigeria whom prey on the elderly when their lights start to dim.

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  • The younger generation never knew the agony of a merciless game. One that rewarded you with the title screen and the sense of defeat if you lost all your lives. No save points; no easy mode, just a game that got harder and harder the longer you played. The younger generation never knew the struggle of not knowing where or how to get all those secrets, there was no internet to run to to look something up, only the game guide if your parents would buy it for you. But not everyone had that luxury. Hell I don't even remember there being a lot of those guides around anyway. The younger generation gets a game with auto saves, checkpoints, or even no penalty for death. They get easy access to the Internet to think for them if they're stuck. Easy modes, extensive tutorials, games that essentially play themselves. They barely know what a challenge is. So that brings us to Destiny. This game has the auto save, not too much of a penalty for death I'm most cases. But it doesn't have a tutorial. It's merciless when it comes to what you may or may not get for what you're doing. It defies the norm of easy to beat video games that come out now; if you do this you could get that. Maybe. Destiny doesn't play itself. Destiny isn't meant for the player used to playing easy mode games. Even games with hard modes, they're still guaranteed outcomes. It's always do this, get that. Destiny isn't so kind. That's why I like it. It doesn't have 'run out of lives and you're at the title, all that time and effort wasted', but it's close. You finish up the mission and maybe you got what you wanted, maybe not. Even with the story, you're thrown into the deep end with no real knowledge of what's happening, and while I do think that there needs to be more development into the story and readable grimoire cards in game, there's a certain charm in that mystery. I don't believe that Bungie is at fault for some of these actions you people get so bothered by. Activision is the one who plays that part, blame them. But as it stands the game isn't taking advantage of younger generations, it's just following the same business practises that other companies do.

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