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Bearbeitet von SaraTheItalian: 2/15/2016 1:57:42 PM


It's Valentine's Day, and we may or may not have someone special to spend it with. Regardless, I have a mission for you guys and gals :) By the end of this day, I want you to tell at least one person how much you appreciate them, whether verbally or non-verbally, and it can even be little gestures like leaving cake on their doorstep (being anonymous works too) We live in a world where everyone is so underappreciated and honestly we could all use a little more love. And it can be anyone, your boyfriend, your boss, heck it can even be a forum member! Even if you hate them haha ;) And if you'd like, share your story or opinions below, I look forward to everyone's stories :) I'm going to leave some chocolate cake at the desk in my boss's office, he's such a pain sometimes but I really think he'd enjoy the cake ^-^ Happy Valentine's Day! xoxo Sara <3 [u]Edit[/u]: feel free to pass :P [u]Edit 2[/u]: Valentines Day is over, but it's never too late to show some love!

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