>Be woman
>Be missionary going to foreign land (I believe equador
>have long plane ride and delay
>have to poop once off plane
>see host family man on the way
>host family man speaks Spanish like he is in a hurry
>executes delay on bigshit.exe
>rush to car with Spanish man
>head to el casa de man
>hfw the gates of Anus are being bombarded
> finally yell 'Banjo!?!' At Spanish man
>he points her to bathroom
>she goes in and finds toilet with no water.
>woman can't poop in dry toilet fsr
>getting frantic tunnel vision because the gates are bursting
>sees sink with large hole.
>sits on sink to poop
>impressively finishes and attempts to dismount
>entire sink fixture falls and shatters on floor
>hfw there's porcelain and feces covering the floor
>hfw she notices a dead dog in wreckage.
>hfw she realizes Spanish family dog was sleeping under sink and she crushed it beneath sink and stink
>leaves house (without wiping)
>goes back to America the same day
All of these stories are true. Some details may not be accurate to the millimeter, but story is true.
Links to others here:
Nobody else?
Poor dog. What a shitty way to go.