All that talk about Xylar and I never saw a drawing until I forced my friend to draw him. Hope you all like him :)
Totally not King Ghidora.
Hey man that's pretty decent. You've got a clear understanding of shading but try to avoid smudging to achieve the effect, you'll learn valuable pen control by doing it manually. There's some good line work, maybe outlining it with dark ink and maybe some colour would make it pop. Keep it up =)
This sucks man. Talent at art yeeeessss? Sadly no. You=loser
Huh. Kinda cool
Xylar didn't look like that. His neck was longer and he had claws, and shot eye beams.
When you defeat Atheon all the glass shards at the rear of the vault form into Xylar. This would be cool.
XYLAR, THE DEFILED, thirsts for a bump
I present to you the yuri MCV
All i get is a black box, nice pic bro
Xylar is forever.
Make him real!
( ͡° ͡° ͡° ͡° ͡° ͡° ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ͡° ͡° ͡° ͡° ͡° ͡°)