The cool spaceships that our imaginations ran wild with are literally loading screens. Since players have spaceships, give them the option to pilot and fly them around the world. What if players could fly their ships in space? So Bungie could make the fast-traveling flight aspect a loading screen still, but then cut straight to gameplay where players are spawned in space within a certain proximity of the planet. This feature in the game would remove the need to spawn players in set locations. From there in space after the loading screen, players will have free reign as over where to travel. Also, provide players the option to switch between first-person or third-person perspective. They can pilot their ships from space towards the planet and after breaking through the planet's atmosphere. From there they can further decide where to fly and land safely.
This would give players a new level of unprecedented freedom as they can pilot their ships and explore; surveying the terrain before landing on the planet's surface and exiting. Players could also have the option to spawn anywhere from space by orbital drops. Giving players the option to drop from their ships, while flying from from low orbit and then landing would be an awesome feature to implement. If a friend or somebody is calling out for help in the midst of a battle and overwhelmed by enemy numbers, an ally could fly and drop in from their ship making an epic entrance. After they exit their ship, what if players had the ability to tell their ship whether to take off and watch from above? If the battle becomes too challenging, to avoid death, give players the option to "call" their ship to come pick them up if they need a rescue
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