ursprünglich gepostet in:Penny Arcade Expo
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Are you going to be in the Seattle area from the 28th of August to the 31st? Are you going to PAX Prime? Do you want to meet up and buy me a milkshake? Well, maybe not that last one, but how about the others? Sound off below when you'll be there so we can decide the best times to meet up.
PAX Prime takes place on the 28th, 29th, 30th, and 31st.
Edit: We're taking the photo on Friday. Check Bean's post for details.
I'm really happy this will happen on Friday! I'll be there all 4 days, but Wizards of the Coast always does there MTG party on Saturday so I've missed the last gatherings. I'll be there as the Queen of the Reef! Look for me as Air Bubbles Cosplay on the internets. =)