Hiya. I know that some of our Destiny community won't be able to upgrade before Rise of Iron. Many of us will be locked into our Legacy consoles for a bit longer. With so many Guardians moving on to the Xbox One and PS4, it's going to be harder to find friends to play with. Well, if you are on Xbox 360, send me a friend request (GT: A Kawaii Potato), and I'll play with you. I'm looking to make the most of a bad situation and make some new friends. You don't need to be good, you can be a squeaker, you don't need DLC, and you don't have to be anything other than nice. :)
TL;DR- Add me on 360 GT: A Kawaii Potato
~[i]Praise the Sun[/i] \(._.)/
People like you are few and far between . May others follow your path. I have both systems xb1 &360 i have many clan members i am leaving on legacy so add me gt: WASTED ANGER1 my clan would love the help especially if you have raid experience on hard kf and vog, ce looking forward to hearing from you