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Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny zu tun hat.
8/13/2016 3:27:06 AM

I need friends lmao

Asuh, I played through all of year 1 and 2 on the xbox one and decided I wanted to play on PS4. Looking good so far. I've reached light level 298 and will be doing the normal raid soon. However, I've found myself unable to do some of the smaller quests in the game since I lack friends to do them with. For example; I really need to get the 1000 yard stare for the raid so I need to kill the taken champions on earth. This is impossible to do without a fireteam of 3. I somehow managed to get through one but I couldn't beat the others. I tried to post something on an lfg website but my request was ignored and trampled by people only allowing people with 335 light into their lobbies. I'm stuck on quests that could take a few minutes because I have no friends. Help a brother out? I'm a chill dude, I've got a mic. Leave your psn below, seriously. If you play destiny leave your psn below so I can add you. I just want a friends list full of people I can ask for help.
#Destiny #plzhelp

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