[b][UPDATE : 12/13/16][/b]
Hello all,
With the release of Destiny Update 2.5.0, this thread is now closed. Below you may see the most recent status update to all Destiny: Rise of Iron Known Issues.
Many of these were resolved with Destiny Update 2.5.0, and remaining issues have been translated to Help Articles for tracking purposes.
If you continue to experience any of the issues listed below, please post a report to the #Help forum.
[u][b]Helpful Links[/b][/u]
• [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Support/Troubleshoot?oid=12915]Network Troubleshooting Guide[/url]
• [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Troubleshoot?oid=45160]Destiny: Rise of Iron Guided Support[/url]
• [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Troubleshoot?oid=45171]Download and Installation Guided Support[/url]
• [url=https://www.bungie.net/7_Pre-ordering-Destiny-Rise-of-Iron/en/Help/Troubleshoot?oid=45049]How to acquire Pre-Order Exclusives[/url]
[b][u]Known Issues[/b][/u]
[b][url=https://www.bungie.net/7_SIVA-Fragments-may-sometime-be-removed-from-Charac/en/Help/Article/45574]Siva Key Fragments and Cache Keys[/url][/b]
We are actively investigating reports of the following:
• SIVA Key Fragments or Cache Keys missing from character inventory
• SIVA Key Fragments not being rewarded when progressing through the Wrath of the Machine Raid
[b][url=https://www.bungie.net/7_Shiro-4-has-an-unnecessary-Quest-marker-at-Felwint/en/Help/Article/45359]Quest Marker above Shiro-4[/url][/b]
We are aware of an issue where players may see a false Quest marker above Shiro-4 after acquiring the Quest "A Light in the Dark"
[b][url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/210716770?sort=0&page=0]Local Network Fireteam Issues[/url][/b]
We are actively investigating an issue where some players are unable to join Fireteams that are hosted on a Local Network. While players may continue to play Destiny independently, attempting to join a local Fireteam may result in the following error codes:
"Unable to join Target Player"
"Unable to join Fireteam"
[b]Exotic Faction Class Items[/b]
We aware of player reports describing the removal of the custom respawn animations granted by these Exotic Class Items, and are currently investigating.
[b][u]Destiny: Rise of Iron Resolved Issues:[/b][/u]
[b]Student of History Trophy/Achievement - Sigil of the Young Wolf Emblem[/b]
At the release of Destiny: Rise of Iron, the Student of History Trophy/Achievement and Sigil of the Young Wolf Emblem were unavailable to qualifying players. After accepting Destiny Update 2.5.0, these items should unlock for the appropriate players immediately.
[b]Queen's Wrath Class Items[/b]
At the release of Destiny: Rise of Iron, some Year 1 Queen's Wrath Class Item Reprisals did not display Intellect, Discipline, or Strength attributes. This issue has been resolved.
[b]Rise of Iron Vanguard and Crucible Weapons[/b]
Vanguard and Crucible weapons introduced with Destiny: Rise of Iron are now available through Engrams.
[b]Trials of Osiris Shader - The Devoted[/b]
An issue has been resolved where the Trials of Osiris Shader "The Devoted" was not available. Players may now earn this shader through the Trials of Osiris activity.
[b]S-39 Lightrider Sparrow[/b]
The Crucible Sparrow "S-39 Lightrider" is now appropriately available through Crucible Reputation Packages.
Issues impacting the following Grimoire Cards have been addressed with Destiny Update 2.5.0:
• Beauty in Destruction
• Lady Efrideet
• Chroma
• Khvostov Pg. 90
If you experience any issues concerning Grimoire, please post a report to the #Help forum.
[b]Echo Chamber[/b]
The Hoard Chest in the Echo Chamber Strike has been made available. Shield Walls should no longer block this Hoard Chest.
[b]Dusty Iron Engrams[/b]
Armor from Dusty Iron Engrams now rewards Silver Dust upon dismantle.
[b]Crucible Bounties[/b]
Crucible Bounties may now be completed appropriately in Supremacy Crucible gametypes.
Hey, Bungie, any progress on the Efrideet grimoire card working?
My student of history achievement still hasn't popped and I have signed out and back in my account and have been waiting 2 weeks wtf bungie.
I completed the Year 3 Thorn quest, but the Grimoire card for it is locked still, same as my Khvostov Pg 90 card.
Why is his not pinned anymore? Can you only have 3 pinned topics?
Oh??? Student of history is still broken???? Well we here at Bungie don't care about that..... Or any of you...... But you know there's new armor you can Buy!!!! .... We prioritised that over fixing our broken game, because you know, we don't give a f#@k about you all. And we feel the time and money you've already invested in our game isn't enough to bother fixing it. Thanks Bungie. Feeling the love. #bungiedontcare #dontbuydestiny2
Fix Student of History already
Student of History still glitched have the book entry completed and all artifacts attuned on 3 characters but still no trophy bungie plz fix this its been over a month
Bearbeitet von Apoc: 12/8/2016 6:30:00 PMThese known issues take forever to get fixed, I haven't got my Student of History achievement and getting it is starting to look grim. can't they just implement a fix where players are able to extinguish the fire or reset it completely.
Bearbeitet von CRogEG24: 12/8/2016 11:36:47 PMIt'd be nice if I had the Student of History trophy that I earned a long time ago...
Please help with the Student of History Achievement, I have tried all the suggestions for troubleshooting and it has yet to unlock over the past 3+ weeks :'(
That is an insane list of mistakes. Just need a simple trophy to complete 100% of them. They only say they are aware....not investigating. By the simple fact that they are not communicating properly says they just....don't....care. Maybe it will be fixed after the dawning? If that many mistakes get by your "testers" it makes a very uncomfortable environment to spend any more money on you guys. If that many mistakes were made under my watch I would be hiring better employees. Just sayin', get on top of your game. Slackers.
Me and my friend are doing the for dead orbit quest, (for the exotic mark) and my quest is not recognizing anything I do but his is. I have a dead orbit shader and emblem and class item on. I'm so confused
I see the spawning animation of the exotic class items is STILL NOT FIXED! Nearly 3 months have passed since the ROI release (that caused this), how many more months you need to fix this Bungie??
How about being randomly returned to orbit randomly during a Trials of Osiris game?
I did all the Artifacts yet i got the trophy yet not that Emblem :(
I can't find any type of crucible match no matter what type I'm looking to join never had this problem before
Is there a way to get out stolen key fragments left
PLEASE patch the exotic animation. I just spent so much time in order to get something that won't even work! :/ bullshit ..... thanks a lot, Bungie. Please patch soon.
Bump for those that need this
Please give us an update about the stolen SIVA Key Fragments.
Just got a waypoint above the tower icon for no reason
Just got a mission icon appearing for me at the iron temple no reason for it as there is no mission to complete. Thanks
Bearbeitet von Butters: 12/13/2016 6:29:41 PMIt's pretty bad that you aren't attempting to fix some of the issues. The game is about progressing, and collecting. Its always said that it takes things from MMO's, which encourages players to find and collect everything. But I can't now: - Collect all Exotic Class Items (because I didn't know I would need to hold onto specific Year 2 Class Items. And new players wouldn't have had the opportunity) - Get certain Grimoire Cards - Get the Student of History Achievement - (Lets see what happens next week with SRL too, maybe that will bring more issues) - (Probably forgetting something else while writing this) I am proud that I have a top 1% Grimoire score and have unlocked all achievements (except 1 obviously), but the fact that there are certain things I can't do in this game really frustrates me. I get that you are probably too busy focusing on Destiny 2 and probably just forgetting about fixing the issues with this game because it won't matter next year (and there is no financial benefit to fix it and probably not enough of the community cares). But doesn't leave me with much hope that your future games will be any better if you don't care enough to fix them now when things don't work. EDIT: I take back most of what I said. It took too long, but at least these things are finally being addressed. In The Dawning Patch notes I saw: - Fixed an issue where some players did not receive the Student of History Trophy/Achievement - Fixed an issue where Year 3 Faction Class Items were not properly contributing to Faction specific Quests Haven't yet tested it (patch is currently downloading for me), but I will assume it works! So still some Grimoire issues, but I am happy that you haven't just forgotten about the other problems and have eventually addressed them.
I see that Bungee is investigating the loss of siva and cache keys but what do we do in the meantime?
Fix the trophy