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9/29/2016 7:12:45 PM

Rise of Iron only seems to work on just one profile

Hi all, Very excited to play Rise of Iron. I bought into online yesterday through the in-game option on the Xbox One on one of my two profiles I use to play. Unfortunately, the one I bought it on (Here on references as "Profile 1") is shared with an Xbox 360 at my partner's who wants to use it for Netflix so I, unable to wait, go onto my second profile ("Profile 2") to sign in. After a bit of playing through some old TK experiences I decide the time is right to dive in and when I look about for any Rise of Iron option its informed me that I haven't purchased it. So Profile 1 is the buyer but Profile 2 is on the same Xbox I wish to play on. Unless I'm grossly misinformed or behind the times, is the ROI experience now locked into Profile 1 and inaccessible to Profile 2? If so that would be deeply disappointing as I thought content was downloaded to your console purchased from for anyone with a profile on that console to enjoy and gather their own achievements an forge unique adventures. I'd appreciate if someone clarify as to whether I've hit a known, or unknown, issue; or if that's how things work now and I was foolish to buy a digital copy. I'm not sure where to buy a hard copy without purchasing all the other expansions I have got. Thanks for your time all

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