Hello everyone!
Festival of the Lost is a limited time live event available to all Destiny players on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles. The event will be available from October 25th, 2016 through November 8th, 2016 (1:00 AM Pacific, 9:00 AM UTC).
Please see our [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/45382]Festival of the Lost 2016 Guide[/url] for details on the new features, activities, and Eververse Items that are included in the Festival of the Lost event.
[b][u]Known Issues[/u][/b]
Below is a list of known issues for Festival of the Lost that Bungie is aware of and investigating. As any new issues are discovered, they will be added to this list.
[b]Rise of Iron Known Issues[/b]
Bungie is continuing to track and investigate the issues that are listed in the [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/213318340?sort=0&page=0]Rise of Iron Known Issues Thread[/url].
[b]Consumable Cosmetic Items[/b]
Only one consumable cosmetic item can be visible on a Character at a time. If multiple cosmetic consumables are applied to a Character, only one of the cosmetic effects will be visible.
[b]Bad Juju Exotic Weapon Ornaments[/b]
During Festival of the Lost, the Exotic Weapon Ornaments for Bad Juju can be gained by opening Treasures of the Lost which are purchased from Eververse Trading Co. After the Festival of the Lost event has concluded, the Exotic Weapon Ornaments for Bad Juju will be available to be gained by opening Radiant Treasures as described in the Materials tooltip in the weapon preview for Bad Juju.
[b]Old Wolf, New Tricks Quest[/b] [i]- Added 10/25/2016 at 3:00 PM Pacific[/i]
We are aware of and investigating reports that players that abandon or decline the Old Wolf, New Tricks Quest before receiving the Saladin Mask are unable to receive the Mask after reacquiring the Quest. This prevents players from completing the Quest. Players can complete the Quest on an alternate Character to gain access to the Saladin Mask.
[b]Sea of Tears Shader[/b] [i]- Added 10/25/2016 at 3:00 PM Pacific[/i]
The Sea of Tears Shader is inaccurately displayed as a Guaranteed Reward in the preview screen on Gifts of the Lost. We are aware of the issue and are investigating. The Sea of Tears Shader is a Potential Reward from the Gifts of the Lost, [u]NOT[/u] a Guaranteed Reward.
[b]Resurrectionist Emblem[/b] [i]- Added 10/25/2016 at 3:00 PM Pacific[/i]
Purchase of any item from the Festival of the Lost 2016 collection in the [url=http://bungiestore.com/]Bungie Store[/url] will also come with a code for the Resurrectionist Emblem. After redeeming the code, players can pick up the Emblem from the Emblem Collection kiosk. It should appear in one of the Promotional sections on tab 4 or tab 5. If you encounters issues with your Resurrectionist Emblem code, please contact [url=http://bungiestore.com/pages/customer-service]Bungie Store Customer Service[/url].
[b]Masker Plan Quest and the Frame's Honor Emblem[/b] [i]- Added 10/25/2016 at 3:00 PM Pacific[/i]
We are aware of and investigating reports that some players are not receiving the Frame's Honor Emblem after completing the Masker Plan Quest.
[b]Festival of the Lost Grimoire Card[/b] [i]- Added 10/25/2016 at 3:00 PM Pacific[/i]
The 2015 Festival of the Lost Grimoire Card will not be unlocked by participation in the 2016 Festival of the Lost event.
[b]Ghost Ghost[/b] [i]- Added 10/25/2016 at 3:00 PM Pacific[/i]
We are aware of and investigating reports that the Ghost Ghost is not displaying properly in some cases, including in social spaces like the Tower.
[b][u]Vital Information[/u][/b]
Below is a selection of items from the Vital Information section of our [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/45382]Festival of the Lost 2016 Guide[/url].
[b]Participation Requirements[/b]
All players on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles are eligible to participate in Festival of the Lost. However, some Festival of the Lost Quests require players to complete content that can only be accessed if they own Destiny: The Taken King or Destiny: Rise of Iron.
[b]Holiday Item Collection[/b]
At the launch of 2.4.1, the Masks available to be reacquired through the Holiday Item Collection were based on the Masks that a player had in their Inventory or Vault. If a Mask was deleted prior to this, that Mask will not be available to reacquire through the Collection until the player receives the Mask again through gameplay or purchase of a Treasure of the Lost from the Eververse Trading Co. store. For more information, please see our [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/13491]Item Collections Guide[/url].
[b]Duplicate Masks[/b]
If players receive a duplicate of one of the Masks they already have in their Inventory or unlocked in the Holiday Item Collection, they will receive a duplicate that can be dismantled into Silver Dust. Duplicate Masks can be equipped and used like other Masks. The tooltip of a duplicate Mask shows the Dismantle option. Masks that are not duplicates, will display the Scrap option in the tooltip and will not grant Silver Dust or other Materials when scrapped.
[b]Items From Previous Live Events[/b]
Rare and temporary items from Festival of the Lost 2015 were removed from player Inventories with Update 2.4.1 as they are no longer applicable to any in-game events. This included items such as Rare Quality Masks, Paper Glue, and Paper Scraps. Additionally, the rare and temporary Sparrow Horn Relay items from Sparrow Racing League are no longer able to be used as they are no longer applicable to any in-game events. Horn Relays from the 2015 Sparrow Racing League event can safely be discarded.
If you come across any issues not listed in this thread. Please post them in a Comment below for our internal investigations.
I received a full set of treasures of the dawning armor (the crystalline armor for the warlock) but haven't received the shader, is their a step I need first?
It's now been a week since I purchased silver and it still isn't on my account. The stuff I bought the silver for is no longer available and I'm still waiting for your people to give me what I paid for. Get your shit together or give me my money back.
I can't use my super on my hunter
Graphics, when my ship is going to the tower, the reef, iron temple, or missions, my ship is idk like a smokey color. Does anyone else see this
Why have the festival stopped early?
Bearbeitet von Unforgiven: 11/1/2016 12:07:55 AMI have an issue. Why is the all the good stuff in Treasure boxes only drop at a 1-4% drop rate? Why is your Eververse ripping us off of our hard earned money?
Bearbeitet von DeGamingPancake: 11/8/2016 6:34:08 PMLast night at 3:58 am (eastern standard time) I finished a trials for my fifth win and did not get the emblem please help I am genuinely sad/frustrated.
I posted a screenshot of my guardian in an Oryx mask in the Queen's Bay with a buddy wearing a Crota mask next to me last night at midnight, but it didn't get approved and posted until a couple hours ago. I was wondering if I still have a chance at being one of the lucky chosen three to possibly get the Resurrectionist emblem seeing as to how I posted it during FotL but it wasn't officially posted until today.
Is there anyway to get the Crota mask? I have been deployed since mid Oct and had to have my son buy me Treasures of the Lost for items, but it didn't drop from any of the boxes and he didn't complete a candy sack to buy the mask. Need it to complete my raid boss collection so I can complete all raids and Skolas wearing appropriate mask...I'm willing to earn it if there is a way. Please and thank you!!!!
Why pungie you give my pand
Why I have pand
Shame on bungie for making the ghosts so hard to get even when I open six fricken treasure of the lost and spend actual money to get some. As usual thanks bungie!
Shame on you bungle for dragging this out another week with not so much as a single new quest or even a few simple bounties to [u]mask[/u] the fact it's a money spinner I've spent plenty on silver but the sheer disinterest on your part is insulting to say the least, I'm not an especially critical person usually but cmon maaaaan
This might already be a known issue but FotL was shit...
Where's the content our micro transactions pay for? So far in my participation I've not seen anything new. Playing existing content while wearing a mask is not new content. So far the primary goal of this live event that was paid for by micro transactions is to offer more micro transactions. WTF Bungie?
https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/217494465/0/0 I have an issue about the monitor room because due to the fire team getting randomly kicked for no reason we weren't able to get the outbreak prime regardless to all the monitors we activated
I still didn't get reply from bungiestore costumer service about my emblem .. can someone PLEASE help me here?
Known issue of silver purchases completely missing, or are you just going to avoid mentioning the 875 threads on it?
I have an issue with resurrection emblem code - didn't come after purchase to my mailbox since one week ago.... Can someone help me pls?
25 skeleton keys and NO Candlelight shader!!!!! Can someone please address this issue? I believe it's far above it only being the"RNG". It's the only shader I truly want from this event and I've been grinding my tail off to try to get it. I've now put in more then 20 hours worth of farming strikes to get keys and open chests and still haven't gotten the shader. Please pm me with info about this. I've been a loyal player to destiny since day one.
Who cares? This is the worst event Bungie has ever released for destiny. Put everything desirable behind a paywall, make the drop rate super low, don't have anything in terms of content or value to the actual event without spending any money, and BOOM! You get this pile of shit. All festival of the lost is for the majority of players is playing the game at nighttime and some candles in the social spaces because there is nothing to actually do except spend tons of money in the hopes that you get one of the two ghosts or the sparrow. You had so much potential that could have been done with this event, so many things that could have been added, better ways to earn stuff so that your players could actually play to earn things, rather than be forced to pay for them to obtain them. People have spent more than the cost of a new game trying to get a freaking ghost, and that is total garbage. I pray that SRL and other events you guys are planning on having(if there even are any) are better than this and actually give you stuff for playing the game. I don;t understand how you actually added less to the festival of the lost this year over last year. Absolutely ridiculous.
Here's one. Where the f.uck are the quests to earn the the loot boxes what the hell happened. Festival of the cost worst idea ever you pathetic pricks. The only people who got the good stuff was people who have mommy daddy money or people who have more money then sense.
Bearbeitet von rion: 11/4/2016 3:25:05 AMIs the candle light shader RNG, or close to guaranteed? I've used 6 keys and got nothing... or is this a bug?
I have been permanently banned from crucible and trials when I haven't even done anything and crucible is the only thing I play on destiny
All of my siva cache keys and fragments have dissapeared from all my characters and I have no idea why. I was raiding on tuesday and wednsday and stopped playing wednsday afternoon. When I stopped playing I had at least one key on each character and almost thirty fragments on my hunter which was the last character I played. Getting on this afternoon they were all gone. I checked all my characters and my vault and they are no where to be found. What happened? Why are they gone? Can someone help me?