After about an hour chaining magikarp, I just caught a shiny red gyarados! First shiny ever! I've been trying every new method that comes out in each game since Crystal with no luck, but this time it actually worked!
Feel free to share shiny stories below
The only shinies I've ever found were quagsire and zigzaggoon. (Heart gold and omega ruby)
I was hunting for Turtonator, which has a 10% chance of showing up. I was at it for about 20 mins when I ran into my first Turtonator I ever encountered. And it just so happened to be a shiny. What are the odds the first Turtonator I find is also a shiny? I caught it and named it Shellfire. I've must've used about 5 years worth of luck on that.
My first shiny was the 4th Pokemon I had ever encountered. It was a Rattata in Pokemon Gold
Aldi final boss - alt
First shiny was a Unown in FireRed. -
Goldy magikarp while chain fishing for a feebas. First shiny that wasn't the red gyarados from heart gold. Still irks me.
Mine was an electrike. Then i got a shiny somethinn else. I think it was a tropius or a pelliper.
Got a medicham back in platinum, but I don't know we're it is now. I remember transferring it to white 2, and it just disappeared.
Think mine was a graveler. Cant remember what game, think it was diamond, idk this was years ago
Shame that it's not a magikarp, after sshg everyone has a red sea noodle. My first shiny was a green zubat
My first shiny was the red gyrados you found in the lake of rage in soul silver Although I did find a burmy that was shiny a few days later
Noice. I ohko'ed my first shiny. It was a magicarp.... Oh and my second best story is I spent about 6 hours shiny changing a vulpix only to accidentally catch a shiny luvdisc :/
I about lost my shit when I caught my first shiny in Pokémon Diamond years ago. Sure, it was a Bidoof (or Bibarel, can't remember which), but was still my first. A few years later, sometime after switching to Platinum, I was chaining Pichu in the Trophy Garden. Only took a few before a shiny showed up. Again, flipped my shit. Still have him as a shiny Raichu today in pokémon Y :3