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Bearbeitet von KrayZSamurai: 12/3/2016 3:48:31 AM

Proof for God's Existence

Atheists say there's a lack of proof with Christian claims. Well, I cannot really give the proof as I have a lack of religious knowledge. However, watch this movie ALL THE WAY THROUGH and you'll have your proof.

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  • I want to point out something that people don't tend to mention. That is there being no proof of any individual god being the true divine power. You can say that your proof is our existence. You can say your god created life, matter, antimatter, everything there is. However, you cannot prove that the god YOU believe in is THE god that created everything. Maybe God did this. Maybe Allah did this. Maybe it was Zeus, maybe it was some Aztec god. Nobody knows, because no legitimate proof has yet been supplied that proves the existence of a certain god or gods, while at the same time, disproves the existence of all others.

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