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Bearbeitet von JoeTanker67: 1/10/2017 12:37:16 PM

Bug Report: Skeleton Keys Missing

Bug Report: Skeleton Keys Missing Bungie Developers: Please take a look at Skeleton Keys missing from inventory problem (I've seen others report this before). Twice this week (Jan 9 and maybe 2-3 days prior), I had two characters missing their skeleton keys. The first time, perhaps I deleted them by accident. BUT NOT TWICE in a week. The most recent event, I had a character with 5 in its inventory and 1 in the post master. The following day, there were none in its inventory and none in the postmaster (although there was an exotic engram I don't remember getting - not sure if related). Please note that I am not asking you to "refund" my lost keys. I just ask that you look at this as a bug and (hopefully) fix it so as to not happen again (to me or others).

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  • Blaming bull crap. Bungie has known about this crap since ROI and no fix yet. I had lost 6. Then another six. Learned my lesson and know the problem. I want to know what the excuse is for only having 4 and still loosing them. That's a total of 20 I have lost since ROI. Jesus bungie your telling me you don't have one freaking programmer to spare for this issue. Make sure your D2 isn't as freaking bug infested as D1. Holly crap you guys don't give a crap about your player base. [spoiler]Hope you don't meet your September deadline and activism on takes full control and major shares. [/spoiler]

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  • I had 2 in inventory and now they are gone. I know I didnt use them because was saving 1 for the quest where you use a key in the abomination strike. I always kept 1 as buffer. I already earned more but something seems to have taken them after this last iron banner.

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