In the bible he shows up plenty of times throughout the centuries. If he's talking through burning bushes, killing all the first borns, flooding the planet, getting people lost for 40 years, making laws imprint themselves on stone, sending his son who is also him on a suicide mission ect.
Saints who claimed to have killed dragons, brought chopped up people back to life and survived deception have said they've seen him all throughout the middle age.
The homeless druggy on the street across from me claims to have seen him.
If he reveals himself to thousands of people why not jump the gap and reveal himself to everyone?
Don't argue 'because if u saw him u won't need faith' That didn't stop him in the bible and won't stop him now
I thought you were talling about the user, for a minute.
Cause man made their own God, Technology. [spoiler]plus you just saw Tom Brady play Sunday[/spoiler]
Look at us, we are a bunch of edgy kids who enjoy dark jokes and memes... I don't blame him for not coming back again.
You know how a clingy girlfriend won't leave you alone for 5 seconds and stalks you home, watches you sleep etc. Well that's humanity. We are the clingy girlfriend and god is our races unfortunate boyfriend...
When Jesus died the curtain to the holy of holies was torn from top to bottom and God went out to live inside all who have been baptized.
[quote]sending his son who is also him on a suicide mission ect. [/quote]But 9/11 happened don't you remember?
Never before on this earth has there been such a magical threat to our safety as Negromancy. But what is this "Negromancy", you ask? Dark arts for Dark People. Negromancy is black magic done by black people whose dark skin represents the dark deeds they have done. The darker their skin the darker the deeds they have committed against humanity. This is why Africa hasn't advanced in technology because they have the power of negromancy to help them with their everyday needs, such as capturing 12 year old kids to force them into soldiers. Instead of potions, a negromancer use synthetic Kool-Aid to restore their mana and powers. Instead of black cats, negromancers tend to have Chickens due to their ability to be turned into food once their time has been served. Negromancy is unlike necromancy and are in no way related aside from being banned in Hogwarts.
This has already been answered
Bearbeitet von Sparkz: 2/5/2017 3:47:01 PMBecause he doesn't exist.
because he doesn't like us right now [spoiler]and I'm pretty sure he works through saints and statues or some damn thing. A woman's statue of Mary was crying a couple months back, a Buddhist Monk saw Buddha in hell, the Blood of Saint Januarius didn't boil in November. I myself am not Christian, but shits looking sketchy right now[/spoiler]
I'm right here.
He didn't show up as often as you think he's has. Perhaps I'm wrong. And that is a question I could try and asking my close friends Youth Pastor.
Ahh Mild, you are actually serious for once. [spoiler][quote]Surely I am coming [/quote][/spoiler] But hey you can believe what you believe and I will believe what I want, we don't have to be SJWs. [spoiler]I mean we could be SJWs, but I would rather not.[/spoiler]
Because he's a lil bitch