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Bearbeitet von Kenzie: 4/3/2017 8:29:56 AM

Possible Future DLC Story? + Some Hive Background Story

So not sure if everyone knows the story behind the creation of the Hive and Oryx coming to power etc... so I'll give a quick breakdown of events (Hard to cram it in whilst still making sense so still a little longer than I initially intended) which may lead us to a number of future encounters with the Hive down the line. So before being known as the hive they were a different species (Proto-Hive - Name Unkown) who resided on a planet named Fundament. One of Fundament's continents was known as the Osmium Court which was ruled by the Osmium King. This King had three daughters Aurash, Xi Ro and Sathona. Without going too far into the back ground story The Osmium King was betrayed by one of his servants named Taox, a sterile mother who served as the teacher to the King's daughters. She conspired for a rival kingdom to invade the Osmium Court, kill the royal family, and allow Taox to rule the Osmium Court as their regent. These invaders known as The Helium Drinkers invaded and murdered the Osmium King, but the three daughters managed to escaped on a ship and vowed to return one day for their revenge. After a year of traveling the sea, the sisters salvaged an ancient, high-tech ship which they eventually managed to fix up and were goaded on by a worm that their father had kept (the worm had washed up on the Osmium Court's shores and was seemingly dead, but Sathona could hear it speak) that they must descend to Fundament's core in the hopes of learning secrets that would help them seek revenge. Deep within the Fundament Ocean, the sisters encountered the Worms, who drew their power from the Darkness itself. They offered Xi Ro, Sathona, and Aurash immortality if they would allow themselves to be hosts for the Worms' larvae. The stronger the sisters became, the greater their Worms' appetites would be. The sisters accepted the pact. Xi Ro took the knight morph and became Xivu Arath, Sathona took the mother morph and became Savathûn, and Aurash took the king morph, transforming into a male and becoming Auryx, the King of the Hive. Over the following years, the siblings returned to their people and spread the Worms among them, creating the first Hive and enabling them to first liberate the Osmium Court, then drive out Taox and the other fearful species & break free of Fundament entirely. Sooo fast forward a couple of hundred years and by now the Hive have had there fare share of revenge conquering countless planets and moons to feed their worms when the three sisters decide to split up... Oryx ruler of the Hive and also now known as the Taken King, continues to conquer anything in his path growing stronger by waging war against anyone who dares stand against him. Savathûn is driven to understand the deepest secrets of the universe. After the Hive's conquests, Savathûn and her Hive sect left to venture into a black hole, claiming that they needed to grow different from each other. Her current whereabouts are unknown... Xivu Arath is driven to become the mightiest warrior in the universe. After the Hive's conquests, Xivu Arath and her Hive sect left for deep space, claiming Oryx had grown too powerful for her to accept. Her current whereabouts are unknown... Now these to me are two obvious candidates for primary antagonists within future DLC's... Both could return with the aim to defeat the traveller and it's guardians with various motives: Revenge for the death of their Sister/Brother OR with the idea that if the guardians defeated Oryx (Who was deemed as the most powerful of the three), if they could somehow wipe them out nothing would stand in their path to total domination. I think it would be quite a cool concept as Savathûn and her hive may now appear totally different from the hive we already know and Xivu Arath and her hive could have a massive "Cabal-like" army by now as she seems totally driven to be the most powerful force within the universe. I think these are a sure bet to come around one way or another especially if Bungie is still saying there will be 10+ years of content. Plus the roadmap to these two scenarios is already written pretty much... On another side note I don't think we have seen the last of Orxy either as we know that part of his heart was used by Eris to construct the touch of malice and from going by the "Books of Sorrow" - Oryx intended this as his final means of maintaining his immortality... (Please Note: A lot of my information is regurgitation from various sources which may differ slightly from what others have read with a lot of content being skipped to save going into too much detail, but overall I think it paints an accurate picture)

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