Lettuce begin.
I'm only "putting" tomatoes in the vegetable category because tomatoes aren't culinarily used like regular fruits are and are used more like vegetables are used.
Tomato. But only when it's pronounced correctly. TOE-MAR-TOE Not TOE-MAY-TOE
Tomatoes with mayo is fantastic
Neither. Give me some spinach.
[quote]Lettuce begin.[/quote] Stop that.
Tomatoes are good for Pizza and Ketchup. Nothing else
Tomato isnt a veggje
Both. Burgers and certain sandwiches are incomplete without the lettuce and 'maters.
Both. Especially on a beef burger with beetroot, pineapple and cheese.
Bearbeitet von HeadHunter: 5/31/2017 7:01:06 AMI love tomatoes. They are great alone sliced up with some salt and pepper. Or added to a burger, salad or sandwich.
Both need to be finely chopped, mixed in with something else, like salsa or tacos, or salad. Eating them whole and alone is disgusting.
Tomato tastes like shit
You're evil
Neither, carrots are better in every way.
Bearbeitet von Pepe Silvia: 5/31/2017 11:43:14 PMLettuce. Though I don't mind tomatoes on sandwiches sometimes.
Tomato is the only correct answer.
Lettuce. Tomatoes taste horrible unless they are turned into sauce or ketchup.
Both, make a blt
Too little information to form proper opinion.
Lettuce all the way. Tomatoes taste like sadness and despair and anyone who enjoys them is probably a Communist who eats babies.
But a tomato is a fruit?
Bearbeitet von QueCyraCyra: 5/31/2017 7:58:15 PMBoth, together. But never cook tomatoes... they get all horrible and mushy when they're hot... But despite how they're prepared in cooking, they should still be considered fruit anyway, much like cucumbers as well. Both have seeds on the inside and therefore are fruit. Except bananas, they're berries.
Both together With onions And meat And bread.
Bearbeitet von LittleLight: 5/31/2017 7:07:08 PMI love vegetables. [spoiler]But I hate tomatoes. They taste...like nothing.[/spoiler]