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Bearbeitet von AlienGears: 7/21/2017 11:54:43 PM


[i][u][b]Omynous – PS4[/b][/u][/i]  We have crossed the chasm. We have navigated the Abyss. We have slain the King, yet we hunger for more. We are Omynous. •Sick of looking on lfg only to sit in a simple raid for a few hours while having to listen to people bitch and play the blame game while getting no where? •Do you think raids should take less than 1 hour?    •Looking to get shit done while having some laughs with a chill group? •I’m AlienGears, one of the PvE admins for Abyss Asylum. Omynous is our hardcore raid clan. We are highly active and experienced raiders/sherpas that like to challenge ourselves and eachother. Challenges such as 3 man heroic WotM, soloing raids and speed running. We are a bunch of chill people that like to laugh and have a good time without the rage. We are looking to expand our team with others like ourselves. [b][i][u]What you will find in Omynous[/u][/i][/b] •A solid team to raid with every week at reset with challenges and clears in under an hour. •Active chat amongst members on our BAND. •Info on anything PvE related as well as upcoming events and news. •In clan competitions/challenges such as speed run marathons and clan vs clan raids. •Join and create events with the Abyss Asylum community. Whether it be raids, crucible, strikes or lighthouse runs with our pvp subclan. [b][i][u]Requirements to join Omynous[/u][/i] •200+ raid clears with a minimum of 50 clears in VoG, Crota, KF, WotM •Flawless raider trophy. •MUST be able to run the following• ************************************* -Relic at templar and Atheon -Sword at crota -Grab aura at warpriest -Hold gaze at golgoroth -Run at Oryx -Know how to do all challenges in WoTM successfully •Play with an admin •If you dont have anger management issues and want to join a great foundation going into D2, drop a comment letting us know a bit about yourself. •Enjoy these videos of our teammates 3-manning Heroic WotM, 2-man Atheon 390, KF 29min speed run & WotM 25 min speed run•

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  • Omynous is a PvE subclan of Abyss Asylum. Omynous is a very diligent and cooperative clan. Us Omynous members help newborns through raids as well as teaching them so that they may teach other newborns about the raids. This clan is a PvE clan that strides to be better and help others become better. If you're a great PvE player and are pushing to challenge yourself, Omynous is the right clan for you! If you're more PvP style of a player, please look at our Abyss Asylum subclan Oblyvious for they are great, top-tier players in the Crucible. I hope to see you guys in D2! Good luck, Guardians!

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