Hi All,
I made a similar comment about this somewhere, but I'd like to make a topic on it because maybe Bungie will listen, Please:)
Can we get an adult version of Destiny, not a kiddie arcade game?
I'd like more MMO/RPG aspects, open voice chat in all zones, a chat, an auction house and DPS/Damage/Healing reports after each raid boss, allow us to trade basic items, allow elite players to wear more exotic items at one time and create a higher tier gear level called "artifact". Also in the future allow veteran players to transfer their characters to the next game that would honor us and would be greatly appreciated. I don't think it's right to make us start our character's over and over that's just tedious and not right in an RPG game.
Oh and a barber @ the Farm, Please
*Edit - Bungie grab some interns and have them do voice-overs for our guardians, Please!
Bearbeitet von Soupreem: 7/29/2017 12:18:38 AMBorderlands and Anthem, they aren't anywhere near Activision and are both what you seem to be looking for (as in Destiny but more mature (as in non-kiddie)
Please do some voice overs! It can be done
Any updates??
Bearbeitet von Skipper1175: 7/27/2017 2:37:49 PMAdult version of Destiny, I don't mean sex or blood/guts. I mean more intelligent, deeper game and less idiocracy or mediocracy. Instead of a kiddie arcade game, go into an epic social MMO with more RPG aspects and characters that are not reset every couple years.
Only if different dev team is working on it.
Some of the items you suggest wouldn't work.some can with tweaks to them.
If there was an auction house, what would you sell anything for? Glimmer? All of the currency is so easily farmed that an auction house would be a pointless existence. Also, open voice chat is a TERRIBLE idea. Try playing Elder Scrolls Online some time. In an area that has a hundred people or more, it turns into a mess of idiots trying to talk over each other. I permanently turned my voice chat off in ESO just so I didn't have to listen to it.
Leisure Suit Destiny: Go Bang The Queen
Bearbeitet von Browski85: 7/28/2017 1:09:13 PMWhile a deadpool-like destiny would be freaking awesome. They would never do it because they would abandon a huge pool of players (kids).
Bump for that awesome Destiny update, LoL..../end sarcasm
So just to be clear by "adult" you mean "full on MMORPG that most working adults don't have time for and those that do turn it into their second job"? Because I'm already playing one of those, thanks.
Bungie wants to have a successful business, they're going to design a game around that. Which market generates more revenue, the all inclusive or the mature only? Destiny 1 was a juggernaut, they're going to follow that recipe.
Yeah I feel kinda awkward playing destiny now. It's obviously being geared more towards kids with each passing year
bumper stickers, hey a bump in the road, things that go bump in the night...
Not going to happen. The RPG elements of the game don't have enough depth to support those kinds of functions..... ...and adding them to the game would alienate the shooter gamer part of the fan base, and make PVP an almost impossible-to-balance , he-who-has-the-best-gear-wins mess.
Go play an MMO then, that's not what Destiny is or should be.
Yeah. Throw in some reef hoes and let's get the farm rockin.
YEAH!!! [spoiler]blood and tits![/spoiler]
Would be fun to talk to people in a zone, You could be like "hey bro, let's go hit that!" Instead of using point and dance emotes to random people...
Hopefully that will be Anthem. Still a long way off though, 2019 I think.
Bearbeitet von Hitchenson: 7/26/2017 12:44:08 PMDestiny is a shooter with lite RPG elements and not an RPG with lite shooter elements, though. You want an MMORPG, which is all well and good, but it also isn't Destiny; Destiny's simply a shared world shooter. I think set items would be a good introduction, as long as they're not the Diablo III route of being 6pc, because then you just reach a point where you can't mix-and-match so well anymore, but 2pc/3pc bonuses would be cool; three artifact slots in lieu of rings/necklaces could work, too. What did you have in mind with "Artifact"-tier gear? Is it just exotic [i]but better[/i], or is it something interesting and more than that?
So world of warcraft? You just described world of warcraft...
Did your parents tell you to post this as a joke?
Anyone else remember Barrens chat?:)