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Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
Bearbeitet von EssAndEmm2013: 10/12/2017 6:38:21 PM

"So you would like the packages to have the chance to not give rewards?" - Cozmo, on a thread about poor Iron Banner Loot Drops

1.) (EDIT) Found the exact quote. This number is no longer needed. 2.) He also said a few other things. Mostly like he had no idea what we were talking about. Like we were 4 year old children or something. Very condescending considering he isn't actually very good at this game. Slightly below average. 3.) You are an employee of a multi-billion dollar company, or at least a subsidiary company contract. If you really think that at any time our grievance wanted to have "no loot drop at all" from Iron Banner Packages, you are insane, and need to be permanently terminated from your position as Community Manager. 4.) You used to Head the Community Changes page, updating us on all the things we wanted and didn't want. For you to EVER suggest (even as a joke) that we wanted "No Loot" from Iron Banner packages, because you "just wanted to be sure what we wanted", means you either SOLD OUT or you completely lost touch with us. 5.) Just in case you skipped (2), he did mention other things in the text from this quote I'm using. However, I was instantly triggered that he even thought he needed to include that possibility. For a Shoot-And-Loot game, he could not have said anything more offensive. "No Loot" - - Get out of here. [u][i][b]6.) I'll tell you to your face what we want. - - We want guaranteed Iron Banner loot upon each victory. We want a small chance upon Defeat. We want some guns to be WAY MORE rare than others. We want the "more rare" guns to be more powerful. We want exclusive Auras, Emblems, and Shaders from "Ranking Up" using the Token System.[/b][/i][/u] That is all.

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