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Destiny 2

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Bearbeitet von LionMufasa: 10/14/2017 6:46:06 PM

This Iron Banner is a step backwards.

[i]Update[/i] Been playing every night since Iron Banner Launch. Still trying to get the legs. 18 Packages in. Thats 360 Tokens. [b]I've been playing a lot of Iron Banner this week.[/b] Our community manager asked us if we wanted to get everything in a day. You know what, I do. In fact, we used to and it worked great. You could finish hitting rank 5 in a day and it was a great system. The event came for a week, and some people could only dedicate time on one day. They did that and got what they wanted. Instead we have another vendor and Iron Banner items only drop after 20 tokens. Which equates to 4 Wins or 10 Losses. If best case scenario, you are with some clan mates or friends and squad up for 4 wins. Congrats, it will take you an hour for one package. Fortunately we get 15 tokens for completing challenges. So after 5 Wins (Over an Hour) You can get 2 packages and then its 1 package per hour as long as you're winning. (10-15 minute matches + load times/match making). This is a horrible trickle of gear and add in that there is no definitive gear you're working towards like in old Iron Banners. its all RNG, you're at the mercy of total random luck. Considering how little we get drops and the fact that you also get regular along with the Iron Banner package. I can't help but feel like this is one of the worst implementations of Iron Banner yet. I attached the link to my stats. I'm not some whiny bitch complaining I didn't get the gear in an hour. I've been dedicating my nights to Iron Banner. Don't even get me started at how this Iron Banner also exposed me to the cancer of the MP. Power Ammo & Spawn. Ever so common is me spawning in front of an enemy already firing at me with their fire team. Then add in the toxicity of trying to get power ammo in a game. You have people pushing you off so they can press the prompt first. Titans shoulder charging you off the power ammo. You know, your team mates. I'm not enjoying myself in this MP anymore. I get angry. I get angry even when I do well when I notice that an enemy team mate is sabotaging his own team waiting for power ammo instead of pushing objectives so he can fire rockets or spam his fusion rifle. [b]My suggestion?[/b] - Set up certain items for sale by Glimmer or Legendary Shards. Lord knows you need a reason to spend legendary shards. I'm at 1200. - Add drops to the Iron Banner matches. Doesn't have to be every game, but 1 every 3-5 matches entices a player to keep going. - I can't believe you guys gave The Steady Hand Flared Magwell & Alloy Magazine. I thought hand picked perks were supposed to stop silly redundancies like this. Almost as bad as when we had fusion rifles with double knee pads. :P. (Hmmm... do I chose fast reload, or fast reload on an empty magazine with worse stats...)

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