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Destiny 2 wird aus geplanten Wartungsgründen morgen offline sein. Bleibt mit @BungieHelp auf dem Laufenden.

Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
11/3/2017 11:25:02 PM

A community request

For all its flaws, I do enjoy playing Destiny 2. Many of my friends did as well, for the first 2 weeks or so of the game. Now, they've all moved on to other releases and have hardly touched the game since. I'd like to put together a group (or groups) to play destiny with, be it raid, nightfall, trials, etc. to game with and still enjoy the game/make some friends along the way. A question posed to the community, what are your thoughts on this idea? I understand using LFG as a means of completing activities is viable, but this is limited to the "work together to accomplish this task then go separate ways" mentality. A long story short, since many of my friends left me high and dry on Destiny 2 I'd like to find some new ones. Console: Xbox One

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