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Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
11/14/2017 1:59:04 PM

Iron Banner no longer monthly?

I’m so confused. Why are we taking the good things from D1 and trashing them? I loved Iron Banner and looked forward to it every month! It was almost always on time and when I expected it. This is why it is stupid to keep your community in the dark 99% of the time! Let us know what is going on more often so we don’t keep getting mad at you guys. It really is a simple solution. Communication with community=less angry guardians I am very upset there is no IB this week as I’m sure other fellow guardians will attest to (even though many of us still hate your gambling token system). But thank goodness we have this Clarion Call this week! Oh man, it’s gonna make this game so much better when I get to play with my buddy as we both twiddle our thumbs trying to decide what to do over and over and over again for the hundredth time! Wouldn’t it have made more sense to combine the Clarion Call with IB? Resulting in a more team oriented IB event where people can’t blame matchmaking as much as themselves for losing?? You guys love your PvP so much, so why didn’t you think of this? I am deeply saddened with D2 and it’s endgame thus far...hopefully you guys can redeem yourselves with Curse of Osiris and what is to come.

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