Now I know that the game has been rereleased too much and it’s a bit over played..
But a game like Skyrim(+DLCs) on a handheld sounds amazing to me and I already looked at reviews and it said it runs pretty good on the switch(undocked) and it looks better than PS3/Xbox 360 versions..
Personally I bought the switch over the summer and haven’t used it very much but now Skyrim is on it’s way and will be delivered today :)
[b]For the Switch users: Will you be getting it?[/b]
A lot of people talking about not buying it again, but I got my XB1 version 100% free last time I checked lol.
When I get a switch I will. Will be good to have a portable, good version of skyrim
The game came out roughly 7 years ago Stop buying it so we can get the next Elder Scrolls game.
No because I already have it for 360 and ps4. I've been buying almost all of the switch games since launch but I dont need another copy of skyrim.
i plan on getting it on my calculator
Torn between that and the VR edition of the game. It's really tough.
I’m buying a Switch because of that game.
what's next, skyrim on the android phone?
I only have oldrim on my pc and that's enough.
NO! The android version is even better than that. The XBOX ONE X laughs at that weak console that came out this year with specs from 12 years ago.
[quote]it looks better than PS3/Xbox 360 versions..[/quote] Everything should look 100x better than them it’s nearly 2018
Thanks for feeding into bad business
I own it on pc why would any of us get it on switch. That's just foolish.
I think ive bought Skyrim enough times now. [spoiler]It Was Twice[/spoiler]
No, but that’s because I already owned the PS3 version and I currently have the Xbox One version.
I owned it for Xbox one but I stopped playing it when I got a PS4 pro so I rebought it and I’m just to lazy atm to play it
Yes. Stopping at Wally World before I get home to pick it up.
Bearbeitet von Sipop: 11/18/2017 12:26:03 AMI know I'm not a switch player but I wish to get both someday
I my get one day, but cause of how I like to do lay games, I have a hard time convincing myself to playing part 5 when I never played 1-4. Much like back on the PS3 I didn’t get oblivion for the same reason. Now if they make HD remakes of 1-4 I will likely get all 5 in one fell swoop.
Nope. I main Skyrim on PS4. I use my Switch for Mario Odyssey, Mario Kart 8D, Zelda, and Spatoon 2. Xbox for Halo only. That's it. I don't PC, unless it's for a demo I can't get on console. Done.
I just bought DOOM and Rocket league and I’ve never like The Elder Scrolls or Fallout games so no.
I can't see the enjoyment in getting it multiple times, they've rereleased it like 7 times now. They need to remake Oblivion or Morrowind.
I’ve tried getting into Skyrim, but it seems the game is just not for me. So I guess I’ll be passing on it. Plus, with Xenoblade Chronicles 2 coming out in 2 weeks, I got to be smart with my money, especially since I got the collector’s edition. Maybe I’ll try to get into Skyrim again when it’s pre-owned, cause Skyrim on the go sounds like fun.
Neh iv already got Skyrim on a handheld, just remote play that shit to wherever i am. Skyrim VR on the other hand..
Nah, i'm waiting for the Android version to come out.