The following is a collection of content hosted on Help.Bungie.net, dealing with Destiny 2 purchase, installation, and gameplay.
[quote][b]Getting Started[/b]
• [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Troubleshoot?oid=45171]Install Guide[/url]
• [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/46180]Destiny 2 Guided Support[/url]
• [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/46473]Curse of Osiris Guide[/url]
[quote][b]Destiny 2 PC Support[/b]
• [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Troubleshoot?oid=45899]Destiny 2 PC Guide[/url]
• [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/236455208]Destiny 2 PC Vital Information and Known Issues List [/url]
[quote][b]Eververse Support[/b]
• [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Troubleshoot?oid=13665]Purchasing Silver[/url]
• [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Troubleshoot?oid=13665]Illuminated Engrams[/url]
• [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Troubleshoot?oid=13665]Bright Dust[/url]
• [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Troubleshoot?oid=13639]Reporting an Eververse Issue[/url][/quote]
[b][u]EMERGENT ISSUES[/u][/b]
For a localized list of known issues, see the [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/46168] Destiny 2 Known Issues Help Article[/url].
To report issues or ask for assistance, please make a thread in [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Topics?pNumber=0&tSort=3&tType=0&d=0&tg=Help&lang=en]#Help[/url].
Please see below for the most up to date list of emergent issues that are under investigation by Bungie:
• [b]Emissary Spire Quest:[/b] We are monitoring player reports of an issue impacting some players where the Emissary does not grant a reward package upon winning games in Trials of the Nine. Please post in #Help if you experience this issue. (Updated on 3/29/18)
• [b]Black Screen when Traveling to the Tower:[/b] We have identified the issue internally and are targeting a fix to resolve this issue in Destiny Update 1.2.0 in May. (Updated on 3/29/18)
• [b]Respawn during Leviathan Raid:[/b] We are actively investigating an issue in which players report being unable to respawn after dying in encounters of the Leviathan Raid. Potential workarounds include staying close together and, if players still see this issue, re-equipping the original loadout they launched the activity with. (Updated on 2/27/18)
• [b]Emblem Statistics not Updating:[/b] We are aware of player reports where Emblems tracking Ghost Scans on Destinations and Faction Rally Pledges are not updating. Players have found that removing and re-equipping these emblems resolves this issue. (Updated on 2/28/18)
• [b]Mercury Heroic Adventures:[/b] We have identified an issue where modifiers may not be available to some players. We are currently investigating this issue and targeting a resolution in Destiny Update 1.1.4. (Added on 3/2/18)
• [b]EDZ Destination Emblem:[/b] We are aware of an issue where the EDZ Destination Emblem only displays 38 of the 41 total Ghost scannables after they have been found. (Added on 3/2/18)
• [b]Prestige Challenge Card Score Multipliers:[/b] We have identified an issue where score multipliers displayed on Challenge Cards do not update properly when players are selecting Singe modifiers. Players may work around this issue by toggling the Power Handicap up or down. (Added on 3/2/18)
• [b] Anti-Extinction Greaves:[/b] We are aware and monitoring reports of a visual issue with the Anti-Extinction Greaves. (Added on 2/27/18)
• [b] Missing Cursor in Director:[/b] We have identified an issue where players may sometimes find no cursor when inspecting a destination in the Director. Players have found that removing Cayde’s treasure maps may alleviate this issue. (Added on 2/27/18)
• [b] Fast Lane Shell: [/b] We have identified an issue where fast sparrow summon will be cancelled out when players use the Fast Lane Ghost Shell in conjunction with a Sparrow featuring the Transmat Preloader mod. (Added on 2/27/18)
• [b] Strike Scoring PGCR:[/b] We are aware that the Post Game Carnage Report only displays the kills obtained since the player’s last death and are investigating. (Added on 2/27/18)
• [b]Exodus Crash Strike:[/b] We are currently investigating an issue in which players report being unable to progress past the first Arc Plate defense phase of the Exodus Crash Site. Some players have resolved this issue by backtracking into the previous bubble and returning to the Arc Plate defense. (Added on 2/9/18)
• [b]Missing Faction Rank Up Rewards:[/b] We have identified an issue where some players, upon ranking up a faction, do not receive an engram. (Added on 2/9/18)
• [b]Clan Engram:[/b] We are aware of an issue where some players who join a clan via Bungie.net or the Companion App, but do not log into Destiny before the weekly reset, are not able to retrieve clan engrams for that week. (Added on 2/9/18)
• [b] Cinematics Crash:[/b] We are investigating an issue where players on Xbox One may experience a rare crash when viewing cinematics. (Added on 2/9/18)
See the posts below for additional [b]KNOWN ISSUES[/b] and [b]RESOLVED ISSUES[/b]:
Bearbeitet von BNGHelp1: 3/29/2018 8:50:54 PM[b][u]RESOLVED ISSUES (Updated on 2/27/18)[/u][/b] For a list of the most recent updates to Destiny, click here: [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Category?category=Updates]Link[/url] Please see below for a list of issues resolved in Updates or Hotfixes released after Curse of Osiris: [quote] • [b]"A Garden World":[/b] We have deployed a fix for an issue where players are unable to proceed to the final encounter after respawning under the boss. (Fixed in Update 1.1.4) • [b]Emblem Stat Tracking:[/b] We have resolved an issue in which players were no longer able to see emblem tracking statistic tooltips. (Fixed in Update 1.1.4) • [b]Shader Weapon/Armor Preview:[/b] We have deployed a fix for an issue where previewing a shader on a weapon or armor piece returned the user to the top of the shader menu. (Fixed in Update 1.1.4) • [b]Phoenix Strife Ornament:[/b] We have resolved a visual issue with the Phoenix Strife Ornament. (Fixed in Update 1.1.4 • [b]Prometheus Lens:[/b] We have resolved an issue with the Prometheus Lens damage output. (Fixed in Update 1.1.2) • [b]Irretrievable Item Postmaster:[/b] We have deployed a fix to correct an issue where players reported having an item stuck in their Postmaster with missing/incorrect UI. (Fixed in Update 1.1.3) • [b]Heroic Adventures Already Active:[/b] We have resolved an issue where players were unable to launch other Heroic Adventures until they completed the Heroic Adventure Quest Step offered by Brother Vance. Heroic adventures are no longer automatically selected at weekly reset. (Fixed in Update 1.1.2) • [b]Eater of Worlds Raid Ornaments:[/b]We have resolved an issue where the Eater of Worlds’ ornament tool-tips for the Head and Leg objectives were reversed. (Fixed in Update 1.1.2) • [b]Masterworks Cores:[/b] We have resolved an issue that prevented Masterwork Cores from recovering to the Postmaster if a player’s consumable inventory is full. (Fixed in Update 1.1.2) • [b]Curse of Osiris Nightfall Strikes Clan Engrams:[/b] We have resolved an issue where Curse of Osiris strikes were not properly granting Clan Engrams when featured as a Nightfall activity. (Fixed in Update 1.1.2) • [b]Quickplay Challenges:[/b] We have resolved an issue where Challenges did not appear to players when entering Quickplay in the Crucible. (Fixed in Update 1.1.2) • [b]Prometheus Lens:[/b] We have resolved an issue where the Prometheus Lens Exotic Trace Rifle damage output was higher than intended. (Fixed in Update 1.1.2) • [b]FWC Simulator Gloves:[/b] We have resolved an issue where the Future War Cult Simulator Gloves had stretched textures that sometimes interfered with first person view. (Fixed in Update 1.1.2) • [b]Ikora Waypoint:[/b] We have resolved an issue where players were witnessing an erroneous waypoint over Ikora. (Fixed in Update 1.1.2) • [b]Players Unable to Interact with Inventory:[/b] We have resolved an issue where a subset of players were unable to interact with items when they had full inventory. (Fixed in Update 1.1.1) • [b]Missing Emblems within Collection:[/b] We have resolved an issue where players could not see all Emblems when owning over 84 emblems at a given time. (Fixed in Update 1.1.1) • [b]HDR Support:[/b] We have resolved an issue that was impacting HDR Support for PS4 and PS4 Pro. (Fixed in Update 1.1.1) • [b]Dying from Vex Cannons on Mercury:[/b] We have resolved an issue where players who were running Destiny 2 on PC above 60 fps would consistently be killed on impact when using Vex Cannons. (Fixed in Update 1.1.1) • [b]Black Screen Destination Map:[/b] We have resolved an issue where players would encounter a black screen when attempting to visit a destination in the Director. [/quote]
Bearbeitet von BNGHelp5: 4/5/2018 8:43:50 PM[b][u]KNOWN ISSUES[/u][/b] For a localized list of known issues, see the [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/46168]Destiny 2 Known Issues Help Article[/url]. Please see the list below for the most up to date list of confirmed issues reported to the #Help forum: [b]Destinations[/b] [quote]• [b]Nessus[/b]: If players proceed to fall off of a cliff on Nessus in the Sunken Caverns area, their Ghost may be placed in an area that blocks progression of activities. Players may be required to return to orbit and relaunch the Destination. • [b]Mercury[/b]: When playing Curse of Osiris meditations, players may not be able to interact with Brother Vance in the Lighthouse. • [b]Mercury[/b]: Simulation Seeds may appear correctly when players enter the Infinite Forest. While some effects will be present, players may not see a physical seed floating above the ground. • [b]Mercury[/b]: Enemies may partially spawn within Infinite Forest geometry. This happens infrequently, and enemies will teleport to proper locations quickly. • [b]Mercury[/b]: Players may become stuck within Infinite Forest geometry if they proceed through or around Vex Doors during the interact process.[/quote] [b]Cinematics[/b] [quote]• [b]Skipping Cinematics[/b]: Fireteam members cannot skip in-game cinematics. Fireteam Leads must manually skip the cinematic if the Fireteam desires to.[/quote] [b]Weapon and Armor Perks[/b] [quote]• [b]Planetary Torrent[/b]: When defeated by enemies in the crucible using the Vesper Radius, players may see an improper Tool of Destruction listed in the Guardian Down screen. This may be presented as "Killed by the Architects" upon defeat. • [b]Solar Rampart[/b]: When defeated by enemies in the crucible using the Khepri's Horn, players may see an improper Tool of Destruction listed in the Guardian Down screen. This may be presented as "Killed by the Architects" upon defeat. • [b]Fate of all Fools[/b]: Players are not properly given an audio notification when receiving bonus ammo from the Fate of all Fools perk on the Jade Rabbit Exotic Scout Rifle. • [b]Scientific Method[/b]: Handling and Speed of the Tractor Cannon does not increase when inflicting damage on Spider Tanks, Goliaths, Nightmasks or the Hive Cyclops Enemies. • [b]Masterworks Weapons[/b]: We have verified an issue where multi-kills on floating enemies do not produce orbs as intended. This is currently under investigation. [/quote] [b]Activities[/b] [quote]• [b]Nightfall[/b]: Fireteam members who attempt to join a Nightfall Activity in progress will not always qualify for Activity completion. We recommend that all members be within the Fireteam when initially launching the activity. • [b]Signal Light Quest Step[/b]: When players receive a specific Lost Prophecy artifact from Brother Vance, players may need to return to orbit and relaunch the Mercury destination for this activity to appear. • [b]Tree of Possibilities[/b]: Laser effects may sometimes not appear, or appear in the wrong location, during times of heavy connection latency. This will result in players sometimes receiving damage from lasers that they are unable to see, or see in alternate locations. • [b]Bug in the System[/b]: Players may sometimes respawn within the Infinite Forest if defeated within the final area of this adventure. Progress is not lost. • [b]Adventure Ascend[/b]: If a player falls from platforms near the conclusion of this activity, way points will not adjust to redirect the player to the final area. • [b]Adventure Intercept[/b]: If a player defeats the target objective prior to reaching the final area, way points will not adjust to properly direct the player to the activity completion reward chest. Players may still reach this chest by traversing the activity maze properly. • [b]Infinite Adventures[/b]: When completing Infinite Adventures, players may sometimes be required to fast travel back to the Lighthouse in order to leave the Infinite Forest. • [b]Infinite Adventures[/b]: Players are unable to complete Mercury challenges when Adventures are active.[/quote] [b]Milestones[/b] [quote]• [b]Strikes[/b]: Nightfall Strike completions do not progression the Heroic Strikes milestone. Only Vanguard and Heroic Strike Completions will grant progression. • [b]Trials of the Nine[/b]: Players who do not own Curse of Osiris will be presented with the Trials of the Nine Milestone. Players cannot launch into this playlist until owning the proper expansion entitlements.[/quote] [b]Memorialization[/b] [quote]• [b]Emblems[/b]: The Lore Scholar emblem will only be awarded to players who have opened the Age of Triumph Record Book within Destiny 1 prior to August 1, 2017. • [b]Prison of Elders[/b]: Memorialization for the Prison of Elder will show the first time a player defeated Skolas, rather than completing a Prison of Elders activity. • [b]Character[/b]: Some hair colors do not match their Destiny 1 counterpart.[/quote] [b]Inventory[/b] [quote]• [b]Storage[/b]: The first item of Inventory categories cannot be played within the Vault. For example, if a player wishes to place the first Shader present within their inventory into the Vault, they will need to select an alternate sorting for the Shader to be moved from the first slot, then they may proceed to store the item within the Vault. • [b]Gear Level Requirements[/b]: Players who have purchased Curse of Osiris may temporarily lose access to pre-owned gear if it is infused with an item above the character's level. Players must reach the equip requirement to use the item once more.[/quote] [b]Vendors[/b] [quote]• [b]Gunsmith[/b]: The Gunsmith will sometimes offer Armor Mods that are not available to specific subclasses[/quote] [b]Subclasses[/b] [quote]• [b]Sentinel[/b]: If a player has swapped their Shoulder Buttons and is guarding when the Titan Sentinel Super ends, they will be temporarily suspended aiming down sights. To resolve the issue, players will need to tap their left bumper.[/quote] [b]User Interface[/b] [quote] • [b]Season 2 Faction Rallies Emblems[/b]: With Season 2, each faction received a new emblem that tracks the amount of times a Character has pledged to a given faction. An issue was discovered where the last character to equip a Faction Emblem will override the pledge counter for the entire account. • [b]Exotic Engram Preview[/b]: When previewing Exotic Engrams, players may see "Already Added to Collection" in Exotic tooltips when they have not unlocked those Exotic items. This does not affect the potential to acquire that item from the Exotic Engram. • [b]Waypoints[/b]: Tracking a Vendor during an activity will not present a waypoint to players. • [b]Infusion[/b]: When an Exotic Weapon or Armor piece is equipped, eligible exotic items under the Infusion tab will be grayed out due to Exotic equipment limits. The item may still be infused as desired. • [b]Player Inspection[/b]: Destiny 2 Currencies, such as Glimmer or Bright Dust, will display as "0" when inspecting an alternate player. • [b]Roster[/b]: Adding or removing a friend on Xbox Live will temporarily remove all friends from the Director Roster on Xbox One. • [b]HDR Brightness Settings[/b]: Adjusting brightness within Destiny 2 does not properly change brightness when using HDR features. It is recommended that players adjust the brightness of their display in the case that the game is either too bright or too dim. We are seeking to address this issue in a future release.[/quote] [b]Audio[/b] [quote]• [b]Beyond Infinity[/b]: If a player advances through this campaign mission quickly, some audio lines may be lost.[/quote] [b]Misc[/b] [quote]• [b]Cannon Trajectory[/b]: Players may sometimes be launched in unexpected ways when using class abilities after being launched by Vex or Cabal Cannons.[/quote] If you encounter an issue that's not listed above, please post a report to the [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Topics/?tg=Help]#Help Forum[/url].