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Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
12/7/2017 7:23:31 PM

Microsoft will NOT give you a refund.

Microsoft has clearly stated that they will leave my case open and when able, my demand(request for a full refund) or the "best resolution" will come through. Now I'm sure there are a lot of people who have gotten their full refund for the game and plenty more who didn't. That's irrelevant at this point. So many people, (enough to get the entire internet's attention. what is this? Battlefront 2? huehue) have gone through this process that it seems Microsoft has put a halt to the refund process whilst trying to come up with a solution for this. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion of how they should be treated in this manner. I'm quite distraught at the fact they wouldn't give me a refund. I don't know why. At first, I just thought, "Hey free money on a game I've stopped playing cause of bullshit." But now, some part of me really wants the refund. That being said, I honestly couldn't care less what happens. The damage is done and regardless of whether Bungie gives everyone season passes or not won't affect anything. If you're smart, just cut your losses of the $60 or $100 and go find something else to play. Shitttttt, come run Crota's End with me. That shit was the bee's knees!

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