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Bearbeitet von BNGHelp4: 10/19/2017 5:32:05 PM

[BUNGIE] Raid keys erroneously removed from Character Inventory [UPDATE: 10/19/17]

[b][u]UPDATE 10/19[/u]:[/b] As of Destiny 2 [url=]Hotfix 1.0.5[/url], raid keys should no longer be erroneously removed when players create a new character, or when players log in to alternate characters for the first time after the weekly reset. Additionally, raid keys are no longer removed at the weekly reset, in general. [b]Prior Message[/b] [spoiler] Through our investigations with internal teams, we have identified two instances where Leviathan raid keys are erroneously removed from character inventory. [quote][b]Signing in with alternate characters will remove raid keys if the character had not been signed in since the weekly reset. If a player earns Raid keys and creates a new character, raid keys are removed from inventory.[/b][/quote] To prevent this issue, we advise players sign in with all characters or inspect all characters on the Destiny Companion App prior to completing checkpoints within the Leviathan raid after the weekly reset. Please note: Leviathan raid progress, including key rewards, are reset each week. We are looking to address issues where keys are removed erroneously with a future update. Stay tuned to @BungieHelp for future announcements. [/spoiler]

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  • Bearbeitet von lYung Martianl: 1/29/2018 8:29:41 PM
    I had 7 raid keys and they are gone. And everytime I turn in a exotic its Aeon Arms every single time no joke. All my friends gave up on D2 I cant say i blame em, I'm reaally close in following in they foot steps. O not to mention I brought sliver 3'xs and still haven't received it yet. I had to get Microsoft to refund my money. SMH get it together Bungie.

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