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2/3/2018 12:50:09 PM

Looking for a Norwegian clan ps4

Looking for a Norwegian clan on ps4

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  • . ████▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▂▄▅██████▅▄▃▂ Il██████████████] ◥⊙▲⊙▲ ▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲◤ KADES DIRTY MISFITS Are you a mature player? Running solo getting to you. Looking for a Level 6 Clan? "What!! you don't know how to do the raid. So what if you just bought the game yesterday!!" Yeah we've been there too. You might just be a misfit. We want: Active mature players. 16+ Able to use Discord app for all clan communications. Level headed. Respectful to others. Helpful. Able to play in a relaxed atmosphere. We don't compare K/D nor do we restrict new players with lower power levels. It's a game we just shoot stuff. We don't want: NO SQUEEKERS. (We really don't care if you popped a zit in math class). Rage Quiters. (Not everyone gets raids or nightfalls first time.) Players that join and don't participate with other members both in fire teams and in clan communications. If your looking for a Level 6, PS4 clan that has a few laughs and shoots stuff. To find us click on the link below: Kades Dirty Misfits

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