Our voices do not matter. That’s the bottom line. Combine all the users from Facebook, these forums, Twitter, Reddit, etc. that voice their opinions on Destiny 2 VS everyone that plays Destiny 2 but doesn’t come on these public sites, and it’s a washout.
Let’s say half a million people still play from data provided. I can guarantee that those that play AND voice themselves on any public site, combined, would only be in the 10’s of thousands, and that’s being generous. Public data is such a small percentage here that it will never be taken seriously.
The developers or live team will look at the in game numbers and decide what to do with it. Why else have they been going off doing/adding/taking away random things without reason? You could get everyone here to agree to quit even, and it would barely hinder the overall outcome of the total player base.
Here’s another bottom line. Every game will have it’s elitist, it’s casuals, it’s newcommers, veterans, and creative groups. But, this game is a clash of egos. It’s like League of Legends, World of Warcraft, and others alike. The bad will always outweigh the good in these games because of the general population playing it.
I’m not saying to not voice your opinion. But, if the mountains do not bow to the constant winds, what do you think will happen should you add your own breath to it? This game and company will not bend. The players will bend instead, and they will break. The Destiny stories have taught me no meaningful or life lessons, at all. Games like these deserve to be put down. It’s better for the mind. And easier on the wallet.
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