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5/5/2018 6:48:16 PM

Mobility Needs to Affect Sprint Speed

Ever run into the problem since 1.1.4 where you see 4 enemies around the corner in PVP, so you activate your golden gun and pop out without hesitation, but the titans and warlocks with their brand new buff have jumped behind cover and are so far gone you can't catch them? I bet you have. And the worst part is they're probably still running low mobility so their resilience and recovery are high. Mobility does not affect sprint speed or the horizontal distance covered by the hunter jump. At the very least, mobility needs to affect sprint speed so it gives players and incentive to use it. A high mobility player should be able to catch up to a low one. A high recovery player should be able to get back into battle faster than a low one. A high resilience player should be able to take more damage than a low one. There should be competetive consequences to our loadouts so we feel them. I want to feel my hunter be a hunter as much as I want to feel my titan be a titan.

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