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6/18/2018 5:39:04 PM

Escalation Protocol - Time Consuming and Unrewarding

I played Escalation Protocol for the first time and spent a good 4 hours at it. Before that, I spent a half hour trying to find the server my friends were in. That didn’t happen. I lucked out and found (miraculously) a group of three that were 382. They were building a team of 9 to take on EP. I joined up with them, invited my friends and we ran the full event 6-7 times and farmed the final boss more than a dozen times. Success... By the time I logged off, I was a little frustrated with what I acquired for my efforts: multiple blue engrams, a few Mars tokens, a bunch of legendary engrams and all of it well below my light level. This activity is 370-380, but the drops are not. Well, I never got the shotgun, so I can’t claim all the drops are below light level. After my experience, I deemed the whole thing inefficient for team building, meaninglessly rewarded and time consuming. Each round gives you about 2 minutes to complete, at 4 rounds per wave, at 7 waves. I found we could get through each wave in about 5 minutes. 5 x 7 = 35 minutes. That’s 35+ minutes for 1 piece of max light armor per week (assuming you have the cache key and it is leveled). In contrast: we complete Normal Leviathan in about 45 minutes or less and are rewarded with 4 loot drops (5 with challenge), 3 chances for exotic engrams and 1 powerful engram. That’s a 270 level activity with no less than 7 powerful rewards. Escalation Protocol needs tuning. I would like to see more chests that grant tokens and more opportunities for powerful gear without having a key. Please respect our time with decent rewards if you’re going to make the activity prohibitively accessible.

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