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8/17/2018 3:36:08 AM

After 3+ hours of Seeking help for Spire of Stars, this community has let me down

Let me sum up my f*cking Destiny 2 Raid experience all at once. . 1. 99% of posts say must have X amount of clears. Has it ever f*cking occurred to you that everyone needs to learn at least once instead of shutting the doors to new people trying it out? Of course not. 2. 3+ hours of Seeking via Beta guided games and looking all over Bungie.Net for help. Response? Not a god d*mn f*cking thing out of anyone. This place doesn’t make friends, it’s only full of opportunists that form teams to get only what they want. Most don’t want to help the common gamer. 3. Over 1 million people play this game, but not even 5 people can help someone? I see the posts others like me create: “first time Raid run, need help”. Answer? THERE IS NO F*CKING ANSWER. MOST EVERYONE IGNORES THOSE POSTS AND FAVORS BEING ASKED BECAUSE THEY DON’T WANT TO WASTE THEIR TIME HELPING ANOTHER HUMAN BEING. . WORTHLESS, INHUMAN, PRIDEFUL, ARROGANT, UNEMOTIONAL BEASTS. Most you have no idea what it is like to struggle through this game that is team based surrounded. To be met with the challenges of making an alliance with others and attempt something new. The experience is soured by your silence and passing by glances towards others in need of help. If this is how many of you are online, then you probably are no more different than in person. . To those who struggle finding teams To those who must plead to get help for activities To those who feel left out and alone in this gaming experience I am truly sorry you have to go through this. It’s not fair to you. Because, you never had a chance to even try when most everyone else ignored your existence and messages for help.

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    We make these posts because we earned the right to ask for that amount of clears. We put in the time to learn the raid and we ran it with groups of people who either felt like helping us learn or, for the majority of us, were just a new to the raid as us. Not everyone wants to spend 9 hours walking someone through the raid every single time they need gear. You don't think of how much time and effort it takes to show someone new through the raid, especially spire. There are definitely groups out there for you because like you said yourself, there are people who havent run it at all *just like you* who want to experience the raid *just like you*. You cant just be so entitled to think that a group of people who went through what you refuse to go through (that is, raiding with a group full of newbies) are obligated to help you. You say people wont join your group: Remember that when and where you post matters. The community is dwindling because of the dry period between releases so you have to remember that the most active times are a small period after reset on tuesdays and weekends. If you post outside of those periods, chances are, you are going to spend hours making a group. Even experienced groups take a long time to build these days. Stop spending so much time making posts like this and just try again.

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