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Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
Bearbeitet von Der Sheff: 8/23/2018 9:22:55 PM

Last Stand Cinematic

I have some problems with this... granted, I haven’t seen “what happens next” but Bungie has hinted that Cayde is dead. Now, if a sniper shot can kill a ghost, rendering us without light, why don’t enemies shoot our splayed open ghost that floats over our dead bodies? Why don’t they snipe it when it goes to open a door? Why do we have so many spare ghost shells only to find out when one is broken, our ghost takes a hike? Lastly, if the Traveler is awake, then what do we need ghosts for? Granted, I am not the very well read in to the Destiny lore and may be talking out my hind end, so I am curious what everyone else has to say... thoughts?

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