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Bearbeitet von BNGHelp4: 11/28/2018 9:40:35 PM

[BUNGIE] Destiny 2: Forsaken PC Vital Information and Known Issues List - UPDATED 11/28/2018

[b][u]VITAL INFORMATION [/U][/b] The following is a collection of content hosted on, dealing with Destiny 2 purchase, installation, and gameplay. [spoiler] [quote][b]Getting Started[/b] • [url=]Install Guide[/url] • [url=]Destiny 2 Guided Support[/url] • [url=]Forsaken Guide[/url] [/quote] [quote][b]Destiny 2 PC Support[/b] • [url=]Destiny 2 PC Guide[/url] • [url=]Destiny 2 PC Vital Information[/url] [/quote] [quote][b]Eververse Support[/b] • [url=]Purchasing Silver[/url] • [url=]Reporting an Eververse Issue[/url][/quote] [/spoiler] [b][u]TROUBLESHOOTING[/u][/b] Players experiencing an issue that is not listed below as a known issue should follow the troubleshooting steps found here: [spoiler] For the best experience, it is recommended that players update their drivers to their most recent versions, and accept any Windows updates that have yet to be applied before accessing Destiny 2 on PC. Additionally, as an initial troubleshooting step when encountering an issue, players should close and relaunch the Destiny 2 client and Blizzard application. For players who continue to encounter issues, it is recommended that players delete their existing CVARS.xml file. This file can be found in: [b] \Users\USER_NAME\Appdata\Roaming\Bungie\DestinyPC\prefs\ [/b] Note that when relaunched, the Destiny 2 application will generate a fresh CVARS.xml file. Players who continue to encounter issues unrelated to the known issues list below should report them to the [url=]#PCSupport[/url] forum. When reporting hardware issues, players should provide [i]as much of the below information as possible[/i]: [quote][b]BattleTag[/b] [i](with numerical suffix)[/i] [b]Configuration Info[/b] CPU: GPU: RAM: GPU Driver Version: Operating System: • To find this information, press (Windows Key + R) to bring up the Run dialog box, enter this command “winver”, no quotation marks. DxDiag: • To find this information, press (Windows Key + R) to bring up the Run dialog box, enter this command “dxdiag”, no quotation marks. • Click on “save all information”. • Copy text from saved file to preferred third-party text dump website (i.e. PasteBin, DumpTxt) and share link here: [b]Issue Information[/b] Destination/Activity: Description: [/quote] Please note that players may not be provided actionable steps in response to their report, however all reported information is escalated to our internal teams for investigation. [/spoiler] [b][u]EMERGENT ISSUES[/u][/b] For a list of emergent Destiny 2 PC issues, please see below: [Quote] • [b]Screenshot Features[/b]: We are investigating issues where the PC screenshot feature introduced in Update 2.1.0 may not function as expected. • [b]FPS and Stuttering[/b]: We are investigating issues where players have FPS and stuttering issues. • [b][url=]SAXOPHONE[/url] Errors when Launching:[/b] Players may erroneously encounter [url=]SAXOPHONE[/url] errors when launching the Destiny 2 application directly from the .exe file. Players who encounter this issue must close the application and relaunch through Blizzard’s app. • [b]BUFFALO Errors on multiple PCs:[/b] Players may encounter BUFFALO errors when logging in to Destiny 2 on multiple PCs at the same time. To prevent this issue, players must ensure that they are logged out of Destiny 2 on any PC that they do not currently intend to play on. • [b]Long Load Times:[/b] We are investigating an issue where some players are experiencing longer than usual load times in Menus and UI. • [b]Cannot Invite to Friends List:[/b] Players that are at the Friends list cap on the Blizzard Launcher cannot add new Friends. Players must make a room on their Friends list to be able to add new Friends again. • [b]Text Chat:[/b] When in a Strike, players are not able to access the local chat for that Destination area. • [b]Scan and Repair:[/b] In some cases, players may repeatedly receive an error directing them to use the Scan and Repair tool, but the tool reports “no problems found.” For troubleshooting steps to take when this occurs, click [url=]here[/url]. • [b][url=]TRUMPET[/url] Errors:[/b] Players who are encountering [url=]TRUMPET[/url] errors on PC may attempt to work around this issue by changing Blizzard Region, or unfriending deleted accounts from their friends list. More info [url=]here[/url]. • [b]Login after Disconnects:[/b] A generic error code may appear to players who lose internet connection, which may block an affected player from logging back in even after reconnecting. Players who believe they are encountering this issue should close the Destiny 2 application and relaunch. • [b]Icarus Dash locked at 30FPS:[/b] We are investigating an issue impacting PC players causing Warlock's Icarus Dash to be locked at 30 FPS regardless of the players FPS setting. [/Quote]

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