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Bearbeitet von TRIHard8342: 10/4/2018 7:48:29 PM

Vanguard inaccessible (still)

I got the game a while ago upon release. I don't know what I did or how I did it, but I redownleaded it a couple weeks ago. Got onto my level 20-ish at the time hunter, now I'm level 50, power 504, and still cannot access the vanguard playlist. Not as in when I click on it, it tells me I don't meet the requirements. I mean the destination itself isn't there. It's seriously starting to bug me because I love this game so much, but I can't make hardly any forward progress without being in a fireteam with someone who CAN access the playlists. I know this isn't a thing that someone can fix in an afternoon or a weekend, but please. If you're reading this bungie, help me out. Maybe incorporate a patch where at a certain level you automatically gain access to these playlists, or something of the sorts. And if anyone else who is reading this has a solution, please. Either reply to this post, or message my gamertag on xbox. (I'll be more likely to see it there) My gamertag is the same as it is here. I really do hope that someone reaches out with a solution or something soon. This is really starting to tear me apart.

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