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1/25/2019 3:38:36 PM

XB & PSN- We are full time dads and working adults looking for more players to join our community of gamers!

We are a clan of gamers that are full time workings adults, parents, and/or military vets that enjoy gaming and have fun doing so. We understand that life happens and sometimes you need to take care of your home and family in the middle of the game. We get that you have a life outside of the game and that at any moment while you are gaming that your family may need you and you will have to step away for a bit. That is ok, we understand that. We strive to help you game and take care of your family. We have been helping our community grow for the past 2 years and our Motto is Life happens. If you want to join, follow the link below to join our discord. Anyone is welcome to join us!! [url=]Discord[/url]

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