What is everyone going to be choosing for the Allegiance quest?
For me personally, I’m undecided. I’m stuck somewhere between being the noble defender of the Light who fights against all forms of Darkness at all costs, and the dark renegade willing to do anything to ensure the safety of civilization.
I’m excited for this quest. Regardless of how long or complex it ends up being, I think having a quest like this is a big step in the right direction to giving players a bigger impact in the world of [i]Destiny[/i]
Edit 1: I apologize for the lack of a “both” option for the poll, I can’t change that now without making an entirely new post
Edit 2: I’m now leaning towards Vanguard for my Titan and Drifter for my hunter, but I’m still unsure
Edit 3: All right, the new Narrative Preview for The Reckoning definitely pushed me over the edge into Vanguard territory for my main. Killing Guardians ain’t right man.
I am late to this. But I have my views on it. The Vanguard is failing in the absence of a Speaker. The city needs strong leaders now more than ever but neither Zavala nor Ikora are stepping up. Only because they dont have the mindset. City Militia probably fully backs the Commander. But how long before the Factions begin looking away from them? The greater good is ignoring the needs of its charge... and we still have Speaker. The only good candidate is on Mercury- dooling around with Time and Space. Ikora? Again she isn't a politician. Nor that charismatic. Zavala perhaps. The Executor considered him for the monarchy. But as I see the Drifter? Yes, shady. But he lives here too. Darkness is coming and he damn well knows it. Pretty Shadowkeep he was the only one moving in a direction. Still is too. My Titan and Warlock support the Vanguard out of duty and morality. My Hunter supports The Drifter, simply because he's right. Something needs to be done and to be honest... I hated Zavala for not wanting to avenge Cayde. Now I own a gun and chicken. And now I'm waiting for Uldren to step in- IF he can.
I’m going with the drifter after forsaken I just don’t have a lot of faith in the vanguard cayde’s death really made me think about if they are really worth following
"There are things in the dark only dark can overcome. Believe me."
Personally waiting for the Calus’s side option
Vanguard on all three characters. I don't care about the drifter and his pvpve mode. I'll just look at a video showing what happens if you side with him. Also i could never betray zavala, Ikora and even cayde. Been with them since D1 and thats not gonna change.
Obvious - vanguard is buggy, drifter is not.
Where are these narrative previews? Are these the things that go to our postmaster?
Hmmm. You know Zavala’s choice to prioritize civilian evac instead of defending the Traveler cost many Guardians their lives when they lost their Light. It also cost a lot of civilian lives. I’d reconsider any purist mentality. It can be as damning in the end. Extinction still sucks, even if it’s caused by good intentions. Sure the Drifters methods are shady but is he [i]right[/i]? If those things he found can snuff out Light we need a different power that they can’t snuff out. To fight not just them but whatever made them. That’s the Darkness. The [i]only[/i] option. Gotta fight fire with Fire. We can’t beat the Black Ships with Light alone and they are on their way. This plot-hook is obvious haha 👍
My Hunter Main get the light side, Titan too maybe. But my Floaty Bastard can be the dirty one.
Not enough info from Bungle to decide. No surprise that they leave us in the dark, being worshippers of $ and without souls.
Neither, I'm going to go build me a log cabin in the forest somewhere.
Bearbeitet von WiErDScIeNcE11: 3/12/2019 5:57:13 AMHow many times do I need to hammer this into peoples minds... The Drifter is the closest thing to Ul-Tan’s theory The City’s Leadership died with Cayde Shin Malfure, a city Hero, literally endorsed this in the new Lore The Drifter has seen the end if Light were to win and it’s no better then the Darkness By continuing this idea of pure light we regress, it took centuries before Void users were even allowed in the city... Do I need to continue?! [spoiler]Besides the more we war over this the less time there is before the Deep comes and destroys [b][u]EVERYTHING[/u][/b][/spoiler]
Im Undecided as to which side i will choose but i hate the bloody drifter i was like hell no i didn't just help some evil Bas**** with his scheme when i finished malfeasance quest and hell no i don't trust him after getting my lovely last word exotic pvp god hand cannon back but i most likely will choose vanguard and side with the well being of the ppl and the city over the lure of power as the old saying goes absolute power corrupts absolutely and we have no idea if the drifter will leave us for dead after he has achieved his goals not trusting a shady character like the drifter i didn't like him at first and i dislike gambit in general and how its mechanics work but the beauty of YouTube shall show me who has the better loot the vanguard or the drifter that's the only reason i would choose him.
Bearbeitet von mcnally2201: 3/12/2019 3:04:59 AMIs this gunna play out like Star Wars episode 3 drifter gunna activate order 777 making all ghosts inactive playing Rick astley on loop
I wanna be a good boy and side with the vanguard... [spoiler]...but then I'd have to work with my two least favorite characters in the entire game[/spoiler]
Drifter, the vanguard is a basic congress always fighting and make the wrong choice most of the time, mainly when zavala sent all the guardians to the moon to be slaughtered after shaxx was like no while the drifter lets you be your own man walking the line between darkness and light, plus it looks like youll get to fight the praxic order or shin malphur theres so much things they could've done all i know is I side with the drifter but if you could pick shin I would, the vanguard is silly
Video games are my chance to be a bad guy and I’ll always choose that over good. So, Drifter it is.
Vanguard. I don’t like how the Drifter talks down on the player character and Ghost. (Not to mention all of the stuff he’s done.)
I’m going with the vanguard.
Bearbeitet von Ghost Train2099: 3/11/2019 2:52:48 PMI’ve said it before...eventually I’m gonna have to whip Drifters shady azz. But I’ll wait to see who gives better loot first. So.... to recap....loot first...azz whipping second.
[b]"Full Guardian Storymode-on"[/b] [quote]All right, the new Narrative Preview for The Reckoning definitely pushed me over the edge into Vanguard territory for my main. Killing Guardians ain’t right man.[/quote] That was the last Straw. I really dislike that shady Drifter. Especially during the Malfeasance Quest, when he tried to threaten my Guardian like: "Never cross me, or ..." (See https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyLore/comments/ag78zp/malfeasance_quest_drifter_dialogue_spoiler/ "You cross me and, well, let's just say it wasn't an accident that man found Callum." ) --- We are Guardians, we do not take threats. We eliminate threats and for me the Drifter is now clearly identified as a "not friendly". I hope we have the Chance to kick his sorry Ass out of the Tower or even create a more permanent Solution. [b]Full Guardian Storymode-off[/b] To be short and honest: While i do like playing Gambit, or the new Mode, i will not side with the Drifter. Nooope, not ever.
Bearbeitet von spif: 8/11/2019 12:33:50 PMabsentis
Bearbeitet von Trollefix: 3/8/2019 2:29:17 PMObviously the dark side. The Vanguard are nerds! JK. But yeah...Id probably pick the Drifter but first ill hang back and check you tube to see if i can get any info on the difference in these quests because Im terrible at making decisions. Also i only have one character so i will probably make the wrong choice and then regret it forever. Lol.
Someone leaked voicelines for the Drifter’s side of the quest and apparently you get to meet Shin Malphur himself so yeah that just solidified the Drifter choice for me
I was seriously considering the drifter, because the way my friends had described it to me it seemed to be a choice between pragmatism and idealism. I’m going with the vanguard after reading the narrative previews for the simple fact that drifter is causing permanent guardian deaths intentionally, hiding it because he knows the vanguard won’t approve and it’s wrong, and it seems to be an experiment. I’m not that pragmatic. There’s a line, and he crossed it.
I'm really not that surprised at all that more people chose the Drifter's side, I'll probably make a hunter and choose the Drifter's side though just because for some reason it seems like the more hunter-like thing to do, but for now my titan's going to be on the Vanguard side. Also, I feel like every streamer is going to join the side of the Drifter. In my opinion, the Drifter seems like kind of an ass. First he called our beloved Crucible Handler Shaxx a loudmouth which is HERESY and that filth(the Drifter) should be removed from the tower, he is quite open about his distaste for the vanguard(albeit sometimes he has a point), he steals weapons from foundries, fixes Gambit matches, and has killed guardians permanently(as in killing their ghosts also). Finally, I really want Bungie to add more stuff about Shaxx and Mara's relationship and more Dreaming City Curse stuff, because they have a lot of hype going for it and they should capitalize on that. Anyone find the Halo reference?