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4/3/2019 11:02:00 PM

[PC][NA] Sword Logic/Seven Songs - Looking for 2 dedicated raiders for day-one clears and weekly scheduled raids

What up, gamers. My name is MeetTheJoves, and I run a clan with my buddy BirdGuidance. We are looking to establish our first static Fireteam, which we plan to run the majority of our raids and attempt day-one clears with for the foreseeable future. This Fireteam will be the first of four official Seven Songs Fireteams, which will act as the hardcore pillars of our larger community. Once established, we will be running two of each current endgame raid per week (currently Last Wish and Scourge) together as a full Fireteam, and then third clears with our less cool clanmates, open to whoever signs up. We will also be holding weekly Crucible nights, although attendance will be less strict than the scheduled raids. Eventually we will engage in friendly competition with the other Fireteams as they are established, and help each other become better players as a result. The plan is to find enough people to form a full team, and hold tryouts at least once per week, cycling through people as they come. We will be running both Last Wish and Scourge, attempting Flawless clears together, and dicking around a bit in Quickplay just for fun and as a bonding exercise. The Fireteam will be officially established once we are confident we have a solid group of 6 players who are competent, active, and enjoy each other’s company. After this point, any players who are excluded that we felt to be strong contenders will be encouraged to help us spearhead the development of, and eventually lead a second official Fireteam. Less competitive but still competent and likable tryouts will be welcome to join the Seven Songs family as full members of the clan. If this sounds like something that would interest you as a player, and you would like to know more, please see our Sword Logic recruitment flyer here: If you’d like to chat to either of us, or come hang out in our clan’s Discord, please feel free to join us at Clan Profile: Seven Songs Recruitment:

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