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Destiny 2

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Bearbeitet von vmondude: 4/16/2019 1:27:16 AM

Enhancement Cores & Bungie’s Insanity

Insanity = doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result. The players are never going to give this enhancement core argument up Bungie, so instead of driving away your player base why not just remove them from infusion at least. So then normal players, not just YouTubers and Streamers who live the game, can collect enough cores to actually masterwork some stuff. THAT should be the “meaningful choice”. What are you so afraid of? [b][i]Please select all that apply.[/i][/b] - players enjoying the game more. - players feeling more fulfilment in progress. - players wasting less hours of their lives. - lower level gear could become relevant. - players blood pressure levels would drop. - players realise power level isn’t noticeable. - all of the above. Also why is it that once you hit max LIGHT (pointless change to “Power” btw) items don’t drop at max light so that you can bring all your gear up to current standard. Like in Destiny 1. You can’t force people to play longer just because you believe it makes it more “special”. YOU ARE WRONG, it makes the game even more tedious and irritating, so get over it and remove them. Thank you. That is all ✌️ - Wow, well over 100 upvotes in one day! Let’s see if they really are listening 😏

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  • Bearbeitet von TheArtist: 4/15/2019 12:33:31 PM
    1. They're afraid that we'll reach level cap....realize that there really isn't any loot to chase....and we'll stop playing. They don't trust the game they've made enough to believe that we'll keep playing it because we enjoy it. 2. They dont' drop at max light, because Bungie's goal is to wring as much play as possible from a limited amount of content. So having the soft cap far below level cap ties into the role in the game cores play. [u] [b]Here's the scam.[/b][/u] a. The game has no end-game basically, because there is no loot to chase. But Bungie's goal is to keep us playing by trapping us in an unending, MID-GAME item level grind so that we don't notice this. b. So you throttle vertical progression wtih Milestones so you stretch out the grind to level cap for as long as possible. c. You bottleneck infusion with cores, so that players can't level up the gear they want... (more on this laters) d. You keep players grinding by doling out the game's rewards with an eyedropper. So everything new either had really low drop rates, or is awarded after a very lengthy, STRUCTURED grind. e. ONCE YOU REACH LEVEL CAP, A SECOND GRIND KICKS IN BECAUSE YOU'VE BOTTLENECKED INFUSION....THE GRIND TO BRING THE GEAR YOU LIKE UP TO LEVEL CAP. f. So now you're forced to grind for either the necessary cores to infuse the gear you want to play with up to level cap......or continue to grind MILESTONES (!!) so you can get duplicates at level cap so you can infuse with Glimmer rather than cores. g. But before the vast majority of players can accomplish this, you raise level cap (!!) which kicks you back down to the mid-game item level grind [b](sub-point a)[/b] ....and the process repeats itself(!!) Or the player realizes that they're on a -blam!-ing HAMSTER WHEEL that doesn't go anywhere....chasing after a loot MIRAGE that Bungie has made intentionally elusive, and is intentionally blocking you from enjoying. As they try to condition you to accept unpredictable progression and unpredictable rewards, yet continue to grind away in frustration. Which is why when people think "-blam!- this Noise"....and they either quit....or drastically cutback their involvement in the game. THAT is why Bungie isnt' going to win this fight....and every game devleoper who has tried to win this kind of fight with the player base either backs down....or destroys their own game.

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