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4/23/2019 10:32:04 PM
Complaining does work. that's why companies have suctomer service hear about problems so they can fix it! enough complaints and there is a chance of losing money, which makes a company change the way they do business.

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  • Me and you have very different philosophies. If you want to go through your life praying that enough people -blam!- along-side you so you can get your way, go ahead I guess.

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  • it's called democracy and capitalism dude. majority always wins, and money talks.

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  • And yes, I expect a perfect product when I pay perfectly good money. Can you imagine if they received my funds only to find out $50 of it was broken, fake, countereit, or damaged so you couldn't cash a check or money order,l? they would be livid. They would demand I pay immedietly.

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  • First off, yes, the majority wins the majority of the time. That said, there's not a damn thing that can be done about it, so that this point, it's moot. Also, did I miss the paywall for the Revelry? Was I supposed to purchase a DLC for it? I don't think money is doing much talking on a free seasonal event that's only set to last for 2 weeks. Hell, 2 more weeks from now, nobody will even remember it.

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  • I despise crying over petty things. Sadly, there is truth to his statement tho. Companies have said customer service, and if my Fridge goes out....or if my Xbox Elite Controller has it's very own "auto-run" built in....I call the company, complain my stuff isn't working properly. My feedback would then be, what comes of the aftermath. Whether their service was prompt, or if I got a no call no show, I'd then proceed to explain my experience, provide feedback of how things were replaced in a timely manner, or by saying that "no call, no show" shouldn't be tolerated. Whining is complaining with no end goal. No matter the result, you won't be pleased. You are just here to complain, and do not wish to make any kind of progress....plenty of that around here. Maybe your philosophies can use some tweaking here and there? It's never so Black & White as you imply. I pray you don't read this as some sort of insult to your intelligence. I'm sure you're aware of the generalization. I'm sure somewhere within these 50+ replies ( sry I can't read anymore, this is far as I got ) you have a fine conversation about said generalization. You did, however, blatantly disrespect anyone who disagreed with you. So ultimately after seeing you go on about disrespecting the Devs, only to disrespect the forum goers, made your entire statement...moot. I mean...I felt disrespected enough to reply to you. To let you know there is a difference. Just my 2 cents.

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  • Fair enough... I will say this though: 1. My "end goal" is for people to stop being pricks. Should that happen, I'll be happy. 2. I certainly don't blame you for disliking my generalization... I'm not sure if you posted this before I made an addition to the end of my post, stating that the generalization was strictly directed at people who directly disrespected the devs. 3. I agree that my point would be "moot" if I'd been disrespectful. That said, I was pretty darn careful to NOT be disrespectful. If you directly quote what parts of my statement you found disrespectful, I'd appreciate it. Moreover, anybody who responded to me RATIONALLY got a polite response in turn (seriously, go through the replies).

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  • Bearbeitet von Shatterday: 4/24/2019 9:49:35 PM
    Ah...well formed reply. I must admit, I'm a bit surprised. I agree with everything you said. The disrespect I felt, was just simply saying everyone complaining in this thread... I myself haven't complained, especially about Cores, on this thread tho. I've had my gripes, complaints, on other topics. I have my own reasons for not playing. I just felt the need to separate that fine line...more of...clear it up...type of deal. I did decide to read thru the comments and I was impressed by your replies. Hence, why this reply was very satisfying. Actually, I'll go even further and apologize to you. It's really only disrespectful, because you happened to place me in the same category as the rest here. Which in me being disrespectful towards this place! Ah...haha...and around we go.... Edit - forgot to add, I wasn't referring the end goal stuff. Definitely directed at the people you, and I, see as legit complainers. The constant bickering...that was not directed towards you. Apologies for the confusion, if any.

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