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3/29/2019 3:16:41 PM

Getting a 2 month ban because I lag every now and then

Been playing destiny since d1 beta days and recently I moved to a new house, which is a but away from the city. So the best connection i could get has a speed of 10mbps, at max. Because of this (I'm guessing), i get some lag every now and then. But today, when i logged on to play, I received a notification saying "this account has been banned for 2 months from matchmaking with other players because it has an unstable connection and affects other players". So, unless I get a super high speed connection, I can't play PvP? Which is basically all I've been doing since trials came out on destiny 1. If it is the case, bungie, how about you ban every single person who experiences lag? Or maybe, fix your sh*t servers, maybe? This is what I get for being loyal to this game for years, and spending so much money on new routers, dlcs and what not? Trash, in my opinion. If any bungie employee can read this, and you have a bit of admiration for your loyal community, help me solve this problem, or pay me the sum I've spent on buying your content over the years, because your "troubleshooting network problems" page is garbage. My Xbox GT is Harika7171.

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  • Know the feeling, I'm currently on a 2 month ban yet after my first 2 week suspension I had an engineer out to sort all my issues, game ran flawlessly no lag no errors yet I still got another suspension. It's like they don't even recheck they just say hey this guy had bad internet and he's playing again let's just suspend him again in case. Havent played at all since and probably won't now.

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