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5/9/2019 12:12:08 AM

Death-tiny Gamers Now Accepting Members

[b]Hello Guardians,[/b] We have just created a new clan and are now accepting members Open Join, no invite needed for a limited time. We are looking for amazing Guardians to join our team. Active Preferred. [b]Who we are?:[/b] [i]- A couple who streams on Twitch Monday, Wednesday and Fridays playing Destiny as well as other games. - We do daily Missions and participate in all Special Events. - We are casual gamers but also get serious and down to business when needed. - We have an open discord for our Destiny Clan members here at Join once you are in the clan. This is where we will communicate. - We are Xbox One Gamers (also PS4 but this clan only exists on Xbox One for now).[/i] [b]What can you Expect?:[/b] [i]- Casual gaming and Support - Help with missions and leveling up - Team Work - No Judgement Zone! Everyone is accepted here - A Group of people with a Sense of Humor - No question is a stupid one - Being live on stream when we are in a fire team *Don't worry, you can opt out on voice chat*. - Couples welcome! [/i] We look forward to meeting you guardian, join the fight today!

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