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Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
5/14/2019 2:43:33 AM

Marked by the Devourer Triumph is a problem for gambit.

A little thing I guess but I'm trying to complete all destination triumphs and aside from some mystery dreaming city ones I'm pretty much done. Then I get to the EDZ and notice a triumph called "Marked by the Devourer." I have several issues with this triumph. Firstly, despite being under destinations it is a purely pvp triumph. Fortunately I'm decent at pvp so I'll eventually have this triumph done, but for people who aren't this triumph could be a huge issue for completing destinations. I'm not even sure why this triumph exists to be honest, it's the only exotic based triumph (aside from the forge triumphs) and doesn't really fit in anywhere, I don't get it. Second, my larger gripe, is the gambit kills. Crucible kills are tolerable, even a bad player will get them done eventually, but Thorn is a terrible weapon for pvp in gambit. For starters nearly everyone else will be using secondary/heavy weapons, putting you at a disadvantage in almost every gunfight. But even against primaries, Thorn's low (compared to popular primaries) range forces you to close ground and expose your position, making this weapon suboptimal in almost all invader/anti-invader scenarios. And on top of all of this you also have to deal with teammates invading instead of you, meaning it's entirely possible to go several games without a single kill. You're also sabotaging your team. The nature of the triumph encourages camping the invasion portal to ensure you're the one to invade, while invading with a suboptimal weapon that means you will probably do worse than someone using a better setup. Naturally you're just going to piss your team off and could quite possibly lose them the match, which sucks for everyone. Also as a sidenote, Invader kills do not grant additional progress, despite what the triumph states. All I can really say feedback wise is gambit pvp kills should not be a part of this triumph. Perhaps replace it with 500 pve kills or maybe just keep it at 50 crucible kills. That's all, have a pleasant day.

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