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Destiny 2

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Bearbeitet von Wes: 5/14/2019 7:01:03 AM

If enhancement cores are removed from infusion, what other purpose should they have?

Re-roll a weapon at Banshee.


Change 1 perk once per weapon to a perk of your choosing at Banshee.


Make master working gear even more impactful.


Purchase bounties that guarentee a drop of a weapon of your choice.


Give any item the appearance of another.






We all know the "REMOVE CORES FROM INFUSUON" rant has been going on, but I have seen virtually no alternative use for cores given. If they are removed from infusion, they would absolutely need an alternative use. Some players have worked tremendously hard for their stash of cores, and it would be a shame if that went to nothing. Granted a lot of people exploited and Bungie would have to crack down on that, but still. Cores would need another use. These are just some ideas. Feel free to comment any others and discuss!

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  • [quote] but I have seen virtually no alternative use for cores given[/quote] Wait, WHAT? Have people already forgotten that Cores had a distinct purpose prior to Forsaken? TO MASTERWORK WEAPONS. You know, to actually make meaningful and personal decisions to kick one's favorite weapons up a notch? You want to give Cores more "meaningful" purpose in this game, like enhancing armor perks or re-rolling? HELL YEAH, let's do it. But let's not pretend Masterwork Cores weren't co-opted to pad out game grind and give no-lifers a stiffy by sticking them into Infusion where they do not belong. [quote]Some players have worked tremendously hard for their stash of cores, and it would be a shame if that went to nothing.[/quote] [i]Really now?[/i] Are these the same players who tell everyone else that "Cores are easy to get and to stop whining"? Which is it, man? Did you "work so hard to git yer cores" or are they "piss easy to get and the casuals should stop -blam!-"? Lord, I hate elitism. I'll say it again for the cheap seats: CORES ARE EASY TO GET. They are, however, BORING AS SIN to grind for. Might be why you just equated it to "hard work". It isn't, and anyone who feels that was should get over themselves. Those players were just willing to waste a pantload more time playing Bungie's mindless grinding cycle. The rest of us, those who've been championing their removal [u]from the cost of Infusion only[/u], recognize a waste of time and a game padding bore when we see it, know that Infusion worked way better before Forsaken, and have been asking for this tedious chore to be removed from the game. Also, everyone who exploited the glitch blew past all the yields from that "hard work" in an hour flat. My only regret is that I wasn't one of them.

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