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8/13/2019 1:45:36 PM


Looking for a clan that does everything, especially raids! Were seasoned D1 & D2 players, but have had a run of bad luck with clans. We want to raid, but have ended up in 2 clans that do everything [b]BUT[/b] raid... If your looking for fresh guardians to join your Xbox clan, let me know in the messenger and I can pass along our gamertags!

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  • XBOX ONE] ♤Welcome to Unknown Exilez♤ [u][b][i]"Who" [/i]we are? : [/b][/u] We are a group of dedicated PvP and Pve Xbox One players. We have been togther since Destiny 1. Our current members are skillful and supportive teamates in all game types. Our goal is to become one of the best clans on Destiny 2 Xbox One platform. We play to WIN, we play like CHAMPIONS! ====================================== Requirements to join ♤1.3 KD or above if applying for crucible ♤ 10 Raid completions in either Last wish/ Scorge/ Crown of Sorrow ♤ Must be 16+ ♤ Must be able to join our Clan Discord ====================================== [u][b][i]"Why"[/i] you should join? :[/b][/u] If you want a group of dedicated dependable teamates for Destiny 2 And a Chill and fun group of Clan Mates then this is for you. How do I join???? 1. Apply via clan link. 2. Post your Gamer tag here . 3. You will be notifed within 5 mins of your post. 4. Be prepared for your Discord invite if accepted into the clan If you have any questions feel free to DM me .. ♤Apply here ♤

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    1 Antworten
    • Roy's Replicants is recruiting new members. We are returning players building a new clan for raids etc. We use the Band app for all comms, it is somewhere we can all chat and have a laugh, setup raids etc....its a social chat for us... We are all in different clans but its somewhere we can all chat and play together if we desire......we all play different games not just destiny.....think of it as an open family where everyone is welcome. As far as the clan goes the only requirement is to join our band chat. We are UK based and on Xbox one. If you want somewhere to be apart of or play together then we maybe what you're looking for. Band and clan link below if your interested Hey, join our 'The Sol Saviours' group on BAND - The app for groups and communities!

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    • 7 guardians is a lot to take at once. Look us over and send me a PM if we are of interest to you. Ill have to get with other admins to see how many we can take during this purge and of course individually interrogate all of you.

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      2 Antworten
      • Ready to find a clan you can be at home in? Thou.Shalt.Kill (SIN) is an active, fun, chill, friendly, helpful, nontoxic Xbox one clan. We have players of every type and activity. We are looking for like minded individuals and have 7 spots available. There aren’t requirements to join us, we aren’t numbers based. Check out our #Destiny2 clan! we base communication through discord. Simply read our commandments, apply and a friendly admin or myself will contact you. Remember to read our clan page so you can get an idea of what the group is like. game on

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      • Send me a message if you're interested. [b]Vex Dregs n Random Rolls - [VEXY] • [/b] is a small 18+ UK based XB1 clan and are actively recruiting again. UK predominantly with a couple of US members. We're PvP Focused but also run PvE content often - we are willing to help others out as long as it is reciprocated. We will be starting to raid weekly too. We're looking for 18+ members who can have a laugh, don't take anything too serious but can grind out the game if needed. Inactivity is capped at 2 weeks unless we are notified with reason. If no contact is made with myself or admins as to why you are inactive then you will be removed. [I]We have 2 main rules; If someone helps you, you must offer help in return, if they don't need it then offer help to someone else. If you wish to leave, a reason why is needed. We do not want to be ghosted and you leave without saying anything. Bullying or toxic behaviour is not tolerated. Clan hopping is not acceptable either. Our clan profile is here We use discord to communicate, so once you have been accepted or invited to join the clan, you will be able to join our server. Our server is for clan members [u]only.[/u] So if you're interested and want to join us, send me a message and I'm happy to answer any questions you may have prior to joining.

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      • Hey man I am RockBox33 and am an admin for The Floppy Disk$ Clan. Our founders are a husband and wife that have over 300 Raid clears each and teach them to any new members that want to learn. We use Discord to chat and post events. We are looking for people that want to raid so you guys sound perfect. All we ask is have a good attitude and help out clan mates when you can. Hit me back if you have any questions or are interested. Thanks and good luck!

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        3 Antworten
        • Are you US or EU buddy?

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          2 Antworten
          • #HaveBrainCells is an Xbox One clan and is looking for strong dedicated current and returning players to play new content come September. We are Adult only clan. Looking for strong raiding players for a potential day one raid attempt and also just a consistent group of individuals that want to raid on a weekly basis. We don't mind teaching. We are also on the look out for strong PvP players aswel, with the potential return of trials and the fact we have acquire every comp pinnacle weapon thus far we are always looking to go hard in the competitive playlist. If that sounds like you, linked below.

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          • A Fistful of Engrams is an Xbox 1 clan recruiting active players! We’re a small but focused clan looking to increase our numbers. All of our players are active and do anything from raids to crucible to strikes to gambit. Our main focus though is conquering raids. We are primarily U.K. based and looking for players in or near the GMT time zone. Our raids are usually set for 7pm U.K. time and we generally do 3 or so a week depending on numbers. New or experienced raider? Doesn’t matter. If you’re willing to turn up with nothing but 12 bullets and maximum effort that’ll do for us! We’re all chill and like a laugh but do ask a few things from our members: 1. Having discord is a must it’s where we plan everything and chat 2. Have a headset 3. Be active - we would like our members to join at least one raid per week 4. Help your clan mates We’re here for our members for anything from how to get dem exotics to dishing out life advice - we got you covered bro! We are looking for quality over quantity players and don’t want to fill our roster with inactive bodies! If you’re looking for a close knit clan that play together and help each other then please contact myself or Blaze 24x for more information

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