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8/13/2019 1:45:36 PM


Looking for a clan that does everything, especially raids! Were seasoned D1 & D2 players, but have had a run of bad luck with clans. We want to raid, but have ended up in 2 clans that do everything [b]BUT[/b] raid... If your looking for fresh guardians to join your Xbox clan, let me know in the messenger and I can pass along our gamertags!

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  • XBOX ONE] ♤Welcome to Unknown Exilez♤ [u][b][i]"Who" [/i]we are? : [/b][/u] We are a group of dedicated PvP and Pve Xbox One players. We have been togther since Destiny 1. Our current members are skillful and supportive teamates in all game types. Our goal is to become one of the best clans on Destiny 2 Xbox One platform. We play to WIN, we play like CHAMPIONS! ====================================== Requirements to join ♤1.3 KD or above if applying for crucible ♤ 10 Raid completions in either Last wish/ Scorge/ Crown of Sorrow ♤ Must be 16+ ♤ Must be able to join our Clan Discord ====================================== [u][b][i]"Why"[/i] you should join? :[/b][/u] If you want a group of dedicated dependable teamates for Destiny 2 And a Chill and fun group of Clan Mates then this is for you. How do I join???? 1. Apply via clan link. 2. Post your Gamer tag here . 3. You will be notifed within 5 mins of your post. 4. Be prepared for your Discord invite if accepted into the clan If you have any questions feel free to DM me .. ♤Apply here ♤

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