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Bearbeitet von Veggehtehbull: 12/26/2019 3:31:53 PM

VeggieTales: Chapter 1

40 years ago... [u]Mars-Sector 17V[/u] [i]”Do you think it will work? It has to!”[/i] [i]”Honey I don’t know, this is extremely experimental.”[/i] [i]”Don’t you ‘Honey’ me! We’re not even dating yet!”[/i] [i]”Sorry sorry...”[/i] -The two scientists sat hunched over a microscope huddled close together. The small leaf underneath the scope writhed in what seemed to be agony- [i]”We’ve never come this close before! This close to greatness!”[/i][i]The woman was practically jumping with excitement over just a small leaf.[/i] [i]”I know I know! But please...settle down so I can work.”[/i][i]The man sat nervously fiddling with the plant, as if the slightest mistake would ruin everything.[/i] [i]”Okay okay, I’m just so excited! Regenerating food? This is the peak of science! Never again will anyone go hungry!” She calmed down and played with her thumbs anxiously.[/i] [i]”It’s just mint, we still have a long way to go before we create something more sustainable. Like a carrot. Pass me the silver.”[/i] [i]The woman reached across their table and grabbed a small vial. All around them dozens of other pairs of scientists were working hard at their stations, lab equipment neatly organized in exactly the same fashion. She gently passed it to him.[/i] [i]”Silver will improve it’s resilience to pests, makin it a little stronger, but not so strong to where we can’t chew it.” He carefully pulled a flake of silver out of the vial, so small that it was barely noticeable with the human eye.[/i] [i]”Okay, now for chemical Z13,” The woman said enthusiastically.[/i] [i]”Yes yes I’m getting to it.” He grabs the lone vial next to him, inside lays a single drop of a blue liquid. He slowly tilts it into the tray onto the table, maneuvering it with his tweezers.[/i] [i]”Contact!” The woman gave out a sharp gasp as the mint leaf, silver, and blue liquid came together as one. They fizzled momentarily before emitting bright white sparks.[/i] [i]”Aaaand now!” She flipped a small switch on the microscope and a bright red beam flowed from it focused on the leaf. It immediately stabilized for a moment, then exploded in a bright white light.[/i] [i]”Dammit!” The man practically screamed in frustration as his hopes died before his eyes yet again. Although obviously disappointed, the woman patted him on the back and tried her best to comfort him.[/i] [i]”One day babe...” The man looked up at her, puzzled for a moment. She realized what she said and blushes furiously. “Ahem, let’s go home for the night.”[/i] [i]A large speaker in the corner of the room powered on and a man spoke their names. “Luther C. and Anna E. please report to your home for the night, we’ll try again tomorrow.”[/i] [i]Luther and Anna both stood up from their station and shuffled towards the exit, passing all their coworkers as they did. Each and every one gave a friendly nod as they left the lab.[/i]

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