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Bearbeitet von Veggehtehbull: 1/5/2020 12:40:46 AM

VeggieTales: Chapter 5

[b]Luther[/b] [i]Sophob stalked me and Anna as we ran down the hallway. Suddenly, the lights shut off. “What’s happening?” Anna’s voice was quivering in fear. I wanted to hold her right and tell her everything was gonna be okay, that we would get out of this. But the bodies the seemed to fly past us as we ran told a different story. I gripped her hand tighter and kept running. “I don’t know, but we’re getting a vial of Z13 and getting out of here.” My voice was almost as shaky as hers. I composed myself and turned the corner, practically dragging Anna with me as she barely kept up. “The lab!” Her voice picked up a little more joy and excitement. I was determined to get her out. I realized I no longer heard the footsteps behind us and stopped in my tracks. I slowly tuned around, and reluctantly Anna did the same. Sophob stood down the hallway, only a few feet away from us. He wasn’t attacking though. I didn’t question it, and turned to run the other way when I stopped cold. He stood right in front of me as well. I backed away and held Anna’s hand tight. “What do you want?” I did my best to keep my voice calm through my fear. Sophob chuckled a deep, disturbing laugh that sent chills down my spine. “ about I explain myself first,” he began pacing in front of us as he said this, taunting us. His hand reached for his face as he did so, tearing off skin like it was clothes from his body. He tore and tore, until before us stood a much older man. Or so he looked. His red hair flowed into a thick beard, and age had obviously taken the youth from his face that he once had. A scar ran across his face, revealing a translucent eye. His eyes glowed a fierce gold, it looked as if they had seen so much pain...and enjoyed every last bit of it. He finally finished, and a beautiful sword appeared in his hand as he held it to us. “My name is Phobos, god of fear. And I’m going to need your life force if I’m to finish my little project. You’re strong, smart, and competent. Perfect for my soon to be creature.” He raised his sword to strike me down, and I held up my hands to brace for the attack. Suddenly, the door next to us was busted down and blown into Phobos, knocking him against the wall. His projection disappeared, giving us time to escape. We stood for a moment looking into the smoking room, and out of it stepped Mr. Stark. He held his hand coated in armor, and the whole thing glowed a beautiful orange. “Anna, Luther. Let’s get the hell outta here, please?”[/i]

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  • [Narrator] And now it's time for Silly Songs with Larry, the part of the show where Larry comes out and sings a silly song One day while talking with Dr. Archibald, Larry confronts one of his deepest fears... [Larry] If my lips ever left my mouth Packed a bag and headed south That'd be too bad, I'd be so sad [Dr. Archibald] I see, that'd be too bad, you'd be so sad? [Larry] That'd be too bad [Dr. Archibald] Alrighty [Larry] If my lips said "Adios I don't like you, I think you're gross" That'd be too bad, I might get mad [Dr. Archibald] Hm, that'd be too bad, you might get mad? [Larry] That'd be too bad [Dr. Archibald] Fascinating [Larry] If my lips moved to Duluth Left a mess and took my tooth That'd be too bad, I'd call my Dad [Dr. Archibald] Oh dear, that'd be too bad, you'd call your dad? [Larry] That'd be too bad [Dr. Archibald] Hold it! Did you say your father? Fascinating! So what you're saying is if your lips left you... [Larry] That'd be too bad, I'd be so sad I might get mad, I call my Dad That'd be too bad [Dr. Archibald] That'd be too bad? [Larry] That'd be too bad [Dr. Archibald] Why? [Larry] Because I love my lips! [Vocalizing with lips] [Dr. Archibald] Oh, my! This is more serious than I thought Larry, what do you see here? [Larry] Um, that looks like a lip [Dr. Archibald] What about this? [Larry] It's a lip [Dr. Archibald] And this? [Larry] It's a lip, it's a lip, it's a lip, lip, lip It's a lip, it's a lip, it's a lip, lip, lip It's a lip, it's a lip, it's a lip, lip, lip Liiiiiiiiiips, lip, lip, lip [Dr. Archibald] Larry, tell me about your childhood [Larry] When I was just two years old I left my lips out in the cold And they turned blue What could I do? [Dr. Archibald] Oh dear, they turned blue, what could you do? [Larry] Oh, they turned blue [Dr. Archibald] I see [Larry] On the day I got my tooth I had to kiss my Great Aunt Ruth She had a beard, and it felt weird [Dr. Archibald] My, my, she had a beard and it felt weird? [Larry] She had a beard [Dr. Archibald] Oh! [Larry] Ten days after I turned 8 Got my lips stuck in a gate My friends all laughed And I just stood there until the fire department came and broke the lock with a crowbar And I had to spend the next six weeks in lip rehab with this kid named Oscar who got stung by a bee, right on the lip And we couldn't even talk to each other until the fifth week because both our lips were so swollen And when he did start speaking he just spoke Polish and I only knew like three words in Polish Except now I know four because Oscar taught me the word for lip, 'usta!' [Dr. Archibald] Your friends all laughed. Usta. How do you spell that? [Larry] I don't know [Dr. Archibald] So what you're saying is that when you were young... [Larry] They turned blue, what could I do? She had a beard, and it felt weird My friends all laughed... Usta! [Dr. Archibald] I'm confused [Larry] I love my lips! [Vocalizing with lips] [Dr. Archibald] Uh, Larry. Larry. Wait Larry, Larry! That's about enough, thank you [Narrator] This has been Silly Songs with Larry. Tune in next week when we hear Larry say... [Larry] Have I ever told you how I feel about my nose? [Dr. Archibald] Oh, look at the time! [Larry resumes lip vocalizing]

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  • Mommy this isn’t veggie tales

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  • Bumpdoot!

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  • I like it. I like it a lot. [spoiler]*cough*Veggietales reference*cough*[/spoiler]

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    • Bloomp for later

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    • [i]heh heh heh my cousin is a powerful being...[/i]

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    • Phobos? Heck yeah

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      • [spoiler] Can't let this get buried... [/spoiler] BUNP

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