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3/13/2020 8:17:09 AM

Cross-save confusion: please help!

Hello! So this is quite something of a confusing mess I've made, but I hope someone can help me! I have two bungie accounts, one made for my primary Xbox account, and another for my primary ps4 account. My yahoo account is my ps4 (Cross save enabled) My outlook account is my xbox (Cross save was enabled, then disabled as of this post) I am trying to unlink and transfer my xbox account to my ps4 account to use it for cross save on my ps4. Cross save is activated on my ps4 account, with my secondary xbox account being attached as an experiment awhile back. Today, I was unable to unlink my primary xbox account from my outlook bungie account, as that was the only one attached to it. I read somewhere that adding a second D2 account from another console would allow me to make the new one my primary and unlink my xbox account. I added my steam account, and enabled cross save thinking that was how I could switch my primary from the xbox to steam. This was not the case, so I deactivated cross save, and am still unable to unlink my xbox acct. Now, heres my next problem- My ps4 bungie acct has cross save enabled with my secondary xbox acct on it, so even if I am able to unlink my primary xbox D2 acct from my outlook bungie acct, I would still have to deactivate cross save to add my primary xbox acct to the yahoo ps4 acct, thus having to wait 80 days before I can actually use said account. Somebody please tell me there is a solution to this, someway to bypass the 80 day period or something, I miss my guardians :( Thank you in advance for any and all time and effort put into helping me I know this is probably pretty confusing, but unfortunately I dont know how to explain it anybetter.

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  • Unfortunately your assessment is correct. Bungie can help in changing the cross save account when it is enabled between the existing linked accounts. What Bungie can't do is add or remove accounts to player's profiles. So yes, you will have to disable cross save, unlink the test Xbox account, then add the correct Xbox account and then wait 90 days to re-enable cross save. There is just no way around it.

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